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A twinkle in his eyes.
Mother Nature gave a head nod towards this man--this man that was to be called his boss. YES! YES! The young people in this department were so loving with the nature and he contemplated whether he should let them join his conquest in spreading peace and love around the world! PEACE!&LOOOOOVE! He had a harmonious epiphany, forming a wiiiiiide grin in front of his new boss. "Mother Nature LOVES me sir! She LOVES me! Oh we're the best of friends, did you know that? Sometimes," he paused hesitantly but decided to go on, "Mother Nature speaks in my very mind. Sometimes, she's angry. Sometime's, she's quite happy! But I live for her voice, do you know what I mean, Rafael?! WE ARE COMBINED AS ONE MYSTICAL BEING!"
The twinkle formed even brighter, wanting to make a speech about this whole Rainbow/Mother-nature creature that was releasing out into the world--BORN FROM THE DEPTHS OF MOTHER NATURE'S WOMBS!
Alas, he stopped himself, wanting to save this little speech for later on.
"So is there work on the first day of the job, sir?" he questioned excitedly.
He turned his head toward the Kaishu again, eyeing him with... a very straight-forward stare. Why was he looking at him like that? Hmm?! Rain felt a bit uncomfortable, as he massaged that man's scalp with the shampoo, or whatever it was! Not a drop best be on his head or else MOTHER NATURE WILL UNLEASH FUUUUUURYYYY WITHIN THE ROOM! But not him! No, he supported peace and nonviolence, but the Mother Nature inside him did not want anything on his beautiful untamed hair of his.
And he took a piece of his hair, twirling it in front of Kaishu ever so playfully, emphasizing his ROUGH and UNCLEAN hair, it was packed with the scent of nature and thus, the smell of strawberries and avocados would utterly interfere with the arrange of other smells from Mother Nature herself! Hmph. But that was the farthest he could go with this little silent hair battle that the two shared. "No thanks, Kaishu. I rarely use shampoo. Just look at my hair. Isn't it pretty already?" he said, quite innocently in a torturous way.
He saw another man walk in the room who seemed to be ready for work, and so, Rain gently threw a sunflower towards that desk of his.
Elias looked up as the man ranting about mother nature and shampoo tossed a sunflower towards his desk. He gave a smile and a nod, setting the bright blossom next to his daughter's drawing.
"Thank you very much," he said appreciatively. They had quite a few back in the garden at home, some of them not nearly as large as this one had grown to be. Then again, some of them were larger. They were all beautiful just the same.
Lauren liked sunflowers. Caroline liked globe thistles, as spiny as they were. Honestly, their whole family had a flower obsession, thus their humongous garden. Spring time was especially fun, seeing as that was when the did most of their planting. And of course, cooking with the vegetables in the fall was fun
and tasty.