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Old 11-03-2004, 06:48 PM   #121 (permalink)
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After washing the Stone Basins, she picks up one of the Bubotuber Pus plants and starts squeezing the light paster coloured pus into a vial. After finishing the first crate, she then took strong yellow colored pus and started squeezing it as well. She screwed her nose, because the smell was revolting but she would live with, she though grimly. Finally, picking up the last crate of dark lime color, as the pus oozed out , she thought might have to gag as the smell polluted the air. Squeezing the pus as fast as possible, she finished. With a smile of grim satisfaction, she looked at the 150 vials of the three puses.

'Disgusting! Oh well...atleast its done' she muttered.
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