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Old 04-29-2011, 06:26 AM   #135 (permalink)
Gretchen Montasio

Red Cap
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 72

Originally Posted by steflegan View Post
Wow- she was the nicest shopkeeper EVER! Melina could almost feel the warmth flowing out of the sweet woman. She obviously loved her job.

She looked at her two puffs. "Oh, ok. These were definitely smaller than many of the others, so I must have gotten girls. Brilliant! Oh, Merlin's polka-dot socks- do you think they'll be in any danger from my parakeet?" she asked fearfully, just remembering her other pet. Oh, please say no, they'll be fine, she thought to herself.

"Thank you so very much!" she exclaimed as she handed over 4 Galleons
Merlin's polka-dot socks. Gretchen laughed a little bit at the girl's interesting choice of words but quieted at the serious question. Hmm. "That would depend on your parakeet, but I don't suggest leaving them out and near each other unsupervised." The end result had potiental to be bad.

"You're welcome, Miss." The woman smiled once more at the young girl, accepting the coins at her thanks.
Originally Posted by Slytherin's Talon View Post
Kate scowled. "I am NOT buying these.I will find out what other things you are selling that should be banned." And with that she turned to leave.
Gretchen blinked at the woman. Just blinked, and watched her turn and leave.

"Seems someone is having a bad day." She spoke mostily to herself, turning her gaze and attention toward the child behind the grumpy woman.
Originally Posted by Lillian.Star<3 View Post
"Hello. May I purchase these?" Aly said as she sat her pigmy puffs (a lavender female and a pink female) on the counter in a single cage big enough for the two of them. "I think I'm going to name the lavender one Eva and the pink one Rose. What do you think?" She asked as she placed a pack of Extendable Ears, a pack of Edible Dark marks, three fake wands, two trick wands, three patended daydream charms, two bags of Non-Explodable Luminous Ballons, and one bag of Mad-Eye Treatments all on the table. "I was also wondering, could I possibly get three Instant Darkness Poweders and four Decoy Detonators from the back?"
"I think those are perfect names!" Gretchen happily replied, collecting and adding each item the adorable young child set on the counter to the bag she had gotten out. "I like Rose, especially. Pink roses are beautiful."

Removing several items from the bag and putting others in, and then returning the ones she had taken out to make it all fit, Gretchen finally set the bag on the counter and smiled to the girl. "Yes, give me just a minute." With another glance at the other children behind the young girl, the woman disappeared to grab the requested products from the back.

When she returned a couple minutes later, it was with another bag in hand which was set on the counter beside the other and pygmy puff double-cage. "There you are. Your total comes to 27 galleons and 11 sickles, love."
Originally Posted by PrincessOzera View Post
Jaymie walked up to the front counter with her cute little Pygmy Puff in her hand. "Hello," she said with a smile. "I would like to buy her please?" She guesterred to the Puff; just in case she though she was talking about anything else. "And can I get a variety bag of candy?" She loved candy! But, she was a little wary of this candy.
"Hello!" Gretchen replied as another small girl came up, smiling sweetly. "Of course. Have you picked out a name yet?" Fishing out a keyring, the young woman kneeled behind the counter, jiggling a locked cabinet door as she tried getting the silly key to go in. Really, she had no idea why the shopkeeper before had used such a thing... or why she didn't use magic herself to unlock it. "Here we are. Would you like a bag for this?" Gretchen asked, holding up the bag of candies. "That's 1 galleon for the pygmy puff and 4 sickles for the candy."
Originally Posted by natalia101 View Post
Natalia walked up to the line forming behind the counter, holding her tiny lavender Pygmy Puff. What am I going to call you? Natalia thought, but their was no time to come up with an answer for she was being summoned forward by the cashier. She hefted up the cage under her arm and went to pay.
"Hello, love." Gretchen greeted the next child, this one being seemingly more quiet than the previous excited ones. Folding her hands in front of her on the counter, Gretchen gestured with one toward the pygmy puff. "Will that be all for you?"
Originally Posted by Crazy_Heart View Post
Jade smiled, "I would like to by this little fuzz ball, please." She said, while walking up to the counter, still stroking its head.
"That little fuzz ball is exactily 1 galleon, love." Gretchen smiled warmly to the child. "Have you named it yet?"
Originally Posted by LilyLegan View Post
Keira made her way carefully through the aisles and customers, balancing a large basket of merchandise in each hand. In each basket, on top of the candy and other assorted tricks, sat a tiny pygmy puff. One was purple, the other was pink. They were happily rolling around in their cages. They were SOOOO CUUUUUTE!!!

Keira set her baskets on the counter and smiled at the shopkeeper. "Hi there, I'd love to get these things please," she said happily. She was so excited about her fluffy pets!

She listed all the things as the shopkeeper took them out of the baskets:

"One box of puking pastilles
One box of edible dark marks
One set of extendable ears
One phial of love potion
One set of nose-biting teacups- hilarious!
One box of Peruvian instant darkness powder
And two beautiful pygmy puffs!"

There were so many crazy candies and objects here- she was glad she got a good assortment to try.

"How much will it be then, please?" she asked politely.
"My goodness, someone had fun exploring the shop!" Gretchen said, though smiling as she looked from the baskets to the child that carried them. Goodness.

Taking out a bag or two, the young woman began to fill both with goodies from the baskets, calculating the prices as she went. Once both were full and both baskets were emptied and removed from the counter, Gretchen set the girls bags in their place near the pygmy puff cages and answered the girl. "8 galleons and 15 sickles, Miss."
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Louisa walked forward to the counter with Aurora at her side. She had the products in her hands and scattered them before the shopkeeper. "Hello.." She started acting all mature and responsible, she was almost 13 now you know. ".. my friend Aurora and myself found a half-brewed potion at the shelves.." Or that was what Aurora said anyways. Louisa looked at the younger girl and gave her the Get-The-Bottle-Out look. ".. we thought it'd be best if you had a look at it before we buy it.. she buys it." It was Louisa's gift and it'd be not appropriate to buy it herself

"And.." Louisa gestured to the stuff on the table. "..I'd like to buy those." The formal smile didn't cease all the time. Just because she was acting according to manners in front of the firstie.

SPOILER!!: Stuff on the table to be bought
One box of Peruvian instant darkness powder.
One box of puking pastilles.
One set of nose-biting teacups.
A bad of JellyLegs.
Nosebleed Nougat- 6 pieces.
After bidding one child goodbye, two more popped up. A potion..? Half brewed? "The only potion sold here is a type of love potion." Gretchen said, but held out her hand for the expected vial. Since she needed her hands to examine what she assumed had to be a love potion, Gretchen gave her wand a flick at the pile of items the girl wished to buy, setting them to dance themselves right into a waiting bag while she kept a running price check in her head.
Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn View Post
Aurora placed the little phial on the counter, it had turned back to a silvery colour. "Yes, it was unlabeled and it's a half brewed Amortentia. I wondered if you knew anything about it, it could have been dangerous if someone had tried to take it home. It's only missing moonstone, it needs fermenting for a week or so but it will be fine then. I was just wondering if I could take it home? I'll pay for it if I have to." Aurora looked up at the shopkeeper. Oh please, please, please, she thought. I have to see where they went wrong with this. She had every intention of giving it to Louisa but she's take the tiniest drop to look at at home.

She placed her skiving snackboxes on the counter after handing over the phial. One box of each, "And I'd like to buy these too please."
Taking the vial in hand, Gretchen gave it a good look, turning it over once. Her gaze went to the pair of girls as one of them spoke up. "I don't. It wouldn't have gone up on the shelf, had I noticed." How old was this girl? She certainly knew quite a bit about Potions for how small she looked.. "Here's the deal, I'll let you girls keep it. You appear to know what you're talking about and it sounds like a fun little experiment to have a go with, why ruin your fun? But, you have to make me a promise you won't try it on yourselves or anybody else unless and until you make sure it's good and finished. Right?"

With that said, Gretchen smiled more and offered the vial back. "That's 1 galleon for the skiving snackbox set."
Originally Posted by Fred is awesome View Post
Rose walked up to the front counter with her items in hand.
'Can I please have 1 bag of Glow-O-Oh-Know and 1 bag of JellyLegs please?'
"Sure. That's 8 sickles, love. Would you like a bag for those?" Gretchen asked, preparing to grab one out for the child as she waited.
Originally Posted by gingerzrule View Post
Thomas walked to the counter with 5 pieces of Fainting Fancies 2 pieces of Nosebleed Nougat and a gold pygmy puff he planned to call Goldie.

"How much will that be?" He asked
Taking the two individual boxes of skiving snacks, Gretchen placed them into a bag and then down on the counter. "1 galleon and 14 sickles, love." She answered, offering the young boy a smile.

Last edited by Gretchen Montasio; 04-29-2011 at 06:46 AM.
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