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Old 04-28-2011, 04:09 AM   #13 (permalink)
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*Eating chili with Sirius* Red Ninja*Raspberry White Chocolate Mocha

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
"Ahh, Mr. Andrei," Alexander said, glancing up just in time to see a second employee make their way into the room. He gave the man a polite nod as a greeting. He remembered this one's face, for sure, and he'd even made a mental note to ask the man to report directly to his office upon arrival. "A word with you in my office, please?"

Alexander eyed the older gentlemen who'd clearly come to work to merely read the sports section of the paper. Clearing his throat, he said, "Hello, Mr. ...? I don't believe we've been introduced yet. I'm Alexander Greingoth, Senior Undersecretary." He extended a hand in greeting.

"Miss Ward," Alexander said, obviously pleased to hear how well-organized this woman was. He paused for a moment to take in the general demeanor of this Ward woman. She was serious--he could already tell--and displayed a no-nonsense attitude. Ahh, yes. He and Miss Ward would get along just fine. He even allowed a small smirk to play across his lips as he said, "Actually, yes. I do have something I'll need you to take care of at some point in the next few weeks." He nodded toward the Andrei man. "I need to meet with Mr. Andrei right now, but I'll be in touch."

Looking across the room, Alexander saw that the Downing woman had made her way into the general work area. Turning to face her, he said, "The paperwork can be filled out anywhere you'd like; so yes, here is just fine." His eyes narrowed in thought as something occurred to him, and then he stepped a bit closer to the woman. "Miss Downing, you were hired as a receptionist, yes?"

Medea watched as Mr. Senior Undersecretary seemingly scolded the two men. *inward smirk* Yes, yes. Show them who is boss. The dark haired woman loved for people to exert their power. Powerful men certainly got her knickers in a twist. She was impressed with Mr. Greingoth.

Wait, shouldn’t she be thinking of Noah… or maybe Mason?! Ugh. She didn’t know these days. Never the less, ”Yes sir, I’m available when you need me.” She nodded and returned to her desk as she watched the events unfold.

Originally Posted by steflegan View Post
"Yes, sir," she replied. "Receptionist for the Minister of Magic's Office. I was wondering if I should have gone there straight away, but I wasn't sure. I figured I'd follow the others in here and see if I could get some directions. Would you prefer me to go there?" Please don't let me come off as an ignorant teenager. First impressions are so important.

Oh this was rich. This woman had no clue. No clue at all.

Originally Posted by Tailzerr View Post

Ryuu turned at the sound of his name. A word? In the office? What in the world...!? He suddenly looked down at his attire. Had he worn something wrong? Not polished his shoes? Loose thread? People sure could be sticklers about loose threads.

"Uhm...okay." Ryuu looked around the, where was this office? Actually, who was this GUY?
Medea sat at her desk and looked on with great pleasure as the rude non-polite man was requested into the 'principal's office'. Oh yes. You're in trouble. She inwardly hoped he was one of the people she was to supervise, that way she could repremand him.

Originally Posted by Walrus View Post
Warren skimmed over the rest of the sports after seeing a quick paragraph about his sons scores. It was too bad he'd he'd missed another of his son's games. But work put bread on the table, quidditch didn't... Unless you were playing.

Before he put the news paper down, a voice came from over top of it. Warren folded the paper and set it on the desk, as he looked up at the person. And struggled to get up for the man, for a more polite greeting. It seemed that sitting once again made his body decide to quit functioning, which made it even harder, at his age, to start it up again.

Warren finally straightened up, "Miller." he said quickly. "Warren Miller, payroll coordinator. It's nice to meet you, sir" he said and shook the mans hand.

Undersecretary? Was that not the position Lord Borr was about to take, before he became minister.

"Is there anything you need, sir? Before I begin filling some paperwork." Warren asked. Better to ask first, before getting to the paperwork that could wait a little longer.


She went back to her work.
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