Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna "What....?" Gavin asked all innoscent like as she repeated his choice of endearments catching himself in realization. "Sorry, Tasha's been rubbing off on me. "Malachi's not gonna pop up and be annoyed at me is he?" he mused with a touch of jest seeing as he knew how the older man indeed was and not a violent one at that. "True...let em correct myself. Use yes...." he said motioning with one had for emphasize. "Get out of the office," he added motioning with the other hand. Gavin tended to be the one staying behind whenever Tasha, Dan or Frida and their divisions needed to go out on a call. "Actually got pulled into a case by the Hogwarts headmaster at the Borr Party," he remarked in rememberance.
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