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Old 04-27-2011, 12:40 PM
Liisa Liisa is offline
Default Library Reference Desk

A large desk sits near the entrance of the library. This is where the librarian, Madam Donovan, usually sits, keeping an eye out over her domain, and its prominent placement makes it clear that students are welcome to approach her if they require assistance. You won't necessarily have to ask for help, however; a large tome on a nearby stand, full of extensive records of past teachers, prefects, awards, champions, and all kinds of events of the long history of Hogwarts, is often the first - and easiest - way to look for information. Feel free to consult it, but be mindful of its age. This book may not be removed from the library unless under the specific instruction from the librarian.

A further large collection of shelves, not unlike the others around the library, stretches out behind the librarian's desk. The books it holds make up the library reference section. A complete inventory of all the books in the library, they are not to be taken out of the room, but you are welcome to use them in here.

Remember, the librarian is nearby if you need help.