5 points per post (20 points maximum)
Wednesday, 3rd of November, until Friday, 5th of November
-Stone basin at side of greenhouse to scrub and rid from yellow and blue pollen of Parrot Tulips (Mrs Skower's All-Prupose Magical Mess Remover in students' cupboard next to basin)
-Flutterbushes to water (plants take large amount of water)
-Vials of Bubotuber Pus to sort out (approximate number: 150 vials in store)
à Light pastel yellow into first crate
à Strong sunflower yellow into second crate
à Thick greenish yellow into third crate
-Hawan Fungi to be spread out on earth under plants on the sides of the path leading to Hogwarts castle (Fungi stacked on front desk, use of dragonhide gloves obligatory)
à Fizzyflowers (pastel petals): 1 or 2 carpets of Hawan Fungi
à Rainbow Roses (changing colours): 3 or 4 carpets of Hawan Fungi
Please wash hands with disinfectant soap before leaving.
In the meantime, Professor Phoenix was busy cutting back an especially large Devil's Snare that, however, seemed to have been lulled to sleep by a spell.