Originally posted by PattyH.
"Well aren't you a lovely person to be buying all this sweets to share with your friends!" Frida grinned brightly as she took the coins, and she let out a little laugh as the young on gave a fake wicked cackle, "Yes that will be the hard part, trying to save them till the train comes back! However don't forget there is a sweets lady on the train, just in case!" Hopefully Mik didn't hear that one!
Was the cash registry dinged and binged Frida tied as pick ribbon to the bag and slide it to the girl, "Your sweets and your 9 sickles change!" she said as she dropped the coins into her hand, "Enjoy and hopefully we will see you again!!"
Melina grinned at Frida- maybe someday she could work here with the nice lady! Imagine owning a candy shop- beats "working" for a living, she laughed to herself.
"Thank you!" she said, blushing a little.
"I've just met such wonderful new friends today, I can't wait to celebrate with all of them on the train." "You mean there's a lady on the train whose job it is to supply the Hogwarts' student body with candy?! This school gets better all the time!" exclaimed Melina.
She took the pretty pink bag from Frida and reached out to collect her change. But then she drew her hand back.
"Could you keep the change? Maybe a little kid will pick out his candy and be a few sickles short. Then he won't have to go away disappointed." This was the best day Melina had ever had. She could not allow
anyone to be disappointed today. Besides, helping out a "little kid" made Melina feel very grown-up for her 11 years.
She smiled once more at Frida and gave a tiny, rapid wave of her hand.
"I'll be at Hogwarts until holiday, but I will definitely be back here then! Have a lovely day!" she called out, floating out the door and back into the bustling crowd.