Thread: Harry Potter: Eyes Wide Open - Sa16+
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Old 04-23-2011, 12:33 AM   #63 (permalink)
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Posts: 666

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Melina Morninglory- "Glory"
Second Year
WizWorld Universal / Tom Felton for President

What can the Order do to rescue Hermione? Who will get the closest to saving her?

Gimme some feedback, peeps!

Chapter Twenty-Four: A Plan of Action

4 Jan. (evening)

Jean Granger sat at the table, completely overcome. She cried as only a heartbroken mother can for her lost child. Tom sat next to her with his arms cradling her and his head on her shoulder; his grief was quieter but no less potent. Arthur addressed the members of the Order. “Our worst fear has been realized. Hermione is not at the Ministry. Having taken into account the fact that she was taken through Knockturn Alley, it is my belief that she has been taken instead to one of You-Know-Who’s strongholds.” At his words, a terrified sob escaped Jean’s lips. The Order members were momentarily silent, save for Molly who uttered a sorrowful groan and put her head in her hands. Arthur squeezed his wife’s hand lovingly.

Mad-Eye broke the silence with a sharp pound on the table from his fist. “We haven’t a moment to spare then,” he barked. “We have to act and act now!” “All right,” said Arthur, “let’s list potential locations she may have been taken.” One by one, the members offered suggestions. “The Shrieking Shack.” “The old Gaunt Residence.” “Malfoy Manor.” “McClellan Manor.” Remus Lupin nodded his head. “I think those are the most likely places for her to have been taken.” “We’ll send scouts to each location to hopefully ascertain her whereabouts,” added Kingsley Shackleton. “Who wants to go where?”

“Reggie and I can take the Shrieking Shack,” offered Arthur. Tonks and Lupin chose the Gaunt Residence. Kingsley and Dumbledore agreed to spy out McClellan Manor. The most recently-arrived Order member then spoke up. “I will go to Malfoy Manor and discover what I can,” said Severus Snape. Molly turned to the Grangers. “I’ll be staying here with you and wait for word from the members,” she said kindly. “No!” exclaimed Jean. “No, I’m not staying here! I’m going with you-she’s my baby!” Dumbledore spoke softly to her. “I can appreciate your need to search for Hermione yourself, but it is simply too dangerous. You and Tom would be too vulnerable without the protection of magic. And how tragic it would be if Hermione is rescued only to find that one or both of her parents were harmed or killed.” Jean sighed in frustration and weariness and let her head drop into her arms on the table. Tom held her and nodded in pained agreement.

The Order set out immediately for their destinations. Molly took the Grangers to the sitting room, poured them each a large glass of brandy, and headed upstairs to check on the children. As soon as she opened the door, they pounced on her. Desperate for information, they peppered her with questions simultaneously. She wished she didn’t have to tell them, but they had a right to know.


Severus Snape marched up the walkway of Malfoy Manor, casting a spell to pass through the iron gates as if they were mist. He entered the dining room and realized he was interrupting the Malfoy’s dinner. “Forgive me, my visit is necessary,” he said as Narcissa gestured for him to sit. “That’s perfectly fine, Severus,” replied Lucius. “Mimsy- bring our guest dinner.” Snape accepted, though he wasn’t hungry at all; he had to maintain a casual enough appearance right now. He took notice of each member at the table. Lucius seemed in good enough spirits; Bellatrix was as well, even though she glowered at him from across the table. Draco looked positively ill- Severus wondered why he wasn’t in his room resting. Narcissa looked tired and strained, an unusual appearance for her. She maintained an indulgent disposition, though, when she spoke to him. “Severus, it’s so good to see you. What brings you here tonight?”

He got right to the point. "The Order has been informed that a close friend of Harry Potter’s, Hermione Granger, has been abducted. At this, Draco choked on the ice water he was drinking. Lucius glared at him and kicked him under the table. Snape looked at him and then swept his gaze across the three adults. Bellatrix’s smile said all he needed to know. He swallowed the bile that rose in his throat and directed his question to her. “You look like the cat that caught the canary, Bella. Might you know something about the young Miss Granger, then?”

Her grin widened. “The little Mudblood is my guest right now. She’s a stubborn little cow, but she’ll be giving up everything she knows very soon.” Snape’s heart faltered at this news, but he’d had years of practice maintaining his façade of indifference. “Did they send you here?” inquired Lucius a bit crossly. “No,” replied Snape cooly, “I offered to come here. In this manner I can keep this house and all its inhabitants (he shot a pointed look at Bellatrix) away from prying eyes. The other Order members are searching several other locations. I can report back to them that the Malfoys do not know the whereabouts of Miss Granger nor did they have any hand in her abduction.”

Lucius sat back in his chair, satisfied with the answer. Snape cast a glance at Draco- the boy looked absolutely miserable. Snape made a mental note to speak to him later. “Would you mind if I stayed the night? The Order wishes a thorough investigation and I’d rather them think I was doing my job.” “Of course, Severus,” replied Narcissa. “You know that you are always welcome here.” Bellatrix promptly rolled her eyes and made a small retching noise in her throat.

Once everyone had gone to bed, Snape stole silently out of the guest room and made his way into the dungeons. He knew his way around them better than he wished, but tonight that would be an advantage. He couldn’t free her- that would blow his cover permanently, but he needed to see if she was still alive and devise a plan to rescue her. As he came nearer to the interrogation room he noticed that the door was ajar.

He moved without a whisper of sound and peered through the opening. Confusion marked his features as he watched the youngest Malfoy attend to Hermione’s wounds with a gentleness he’d never witnessed in the boy. His eyes widened as the boy took a towel and washed the dirt and blood from her body with trembling hands. Snape drew back into the shadows as the boy exited the room and heard a small voice from inside the room call out, “Thank you.”

Well I certainly never saw this coming, he muttered to himself. He ghosted his way back to the guest room, carefully pondering this critical new piece of information.
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