I am on a roll!
Here's the next part!
That night I had to relive what had happened all those years ago when I was little. Instead, though, I was watching. I saw my parents in great detail; From what they were wearing to how their emotion’s changed. I saw my older brother in his twelve year old form, his red-blonde hair caked with blood. I saw me; A helpless seven year old me hiding behind the counter.
“You! It’s your fault you produced a squib, Anna! Crucio!” I saw my mother crumple to the ground as she passed out. The scene advanced a little, to the flash of green light that had burned into the back of my mind. I closed my eyes, waiting for the
thump to confirm my brother’s death.
The last time I had this dream, Emily woke me up. Now it kept going; Past when my mother passed out, past when my brother died.
I saw younger me look between the bodies on the ground, then at my father, crazed and standing in the middle of the kitchen. Everything had gotten quiet. I was sobbing quietly, and had slid down the side of the counter curling up in a little ball on the ground.
I wanted to scream out, to kill my father then and there, but I couldn’t. My feet were stuck where they were.
My dad advanced on younger me, who looked up at the approaching footsteps. “Stay away from me!” I screamed.
“Seneca!” He sounded angry, and dazed, like he was drunk.
“No!” Younger me jumped up and darted away from my dad as he tried to reach for me.
He watched as I ran out into the hallway, wrenched open the front door, and down the street.
I remember this night perfectly. I had run straight to Emily’s house, and told her parents what had happened. Emily’s father worked at the Ministry, and he had left automatically to get help.
But right now, I was still standing in the kitchen, my father a few feet away, his back to me. Something happened then, something that I don’t remember ever happening.
My father turned, and stared straight at me. Older me. The sixteen year old me.
“I’ll get you.” He snarled. His wand arm raised. I saw it point at me, saw the flash of green light, and heard the two words of the unforgivable curse.
I woke up screaming. Remus jumped up, wide awake.
“What’s wrong?!” he half yelled.
I was sobbing crazily, but I didn’t care how much of a fool I looked like at the moment. The combination of my scream and Remus’s yell woke up half the common room, and some kids were thundering down the steps to the dormitories.
“Seneca, calm down.” He grabbed my shoulders. “You’re safe. Just relax.”
“Seneca, what’s the matter?” Lily and Emily were two of the few kids who appeared. Emily had her bathrobe half on, and was rubbing her eye’s sleepily.
“My dad.” I said between gasps of air.
“What about him?”
“He want’s to kill me.” I replied.
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