Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now ACCIO Little Bit of Light Reading “Accio schoolbag!” mumbled Sirius from the four post bed he had claimed at the beginning of his sixth year. It was the one farthest from the sole window in the dormitory and the one closest to the door. Sunlight had managed to ruin his mornings for several terms until he learned to pick properly and the close proximity of the door was a convenience. Early mornings would one day be the death of him and there was a rare day that he was not late to his first class.
It took another summons before the schoolbag made it to its owner. The fault did not lie in his wand work but in his pronunciation. It was so hard to sound out words at the end of a school day. All Sirius wanted to do was shower and nap. Those activities had to be postponed until he completed, at the very least, half of one of his four assignments. He had managed to finish reading four paragraphs on the Advanced Principles of Transfiguration chapter before his eyelids began to droop and his mind to wander. Minutes later, Sirius Black was quietly snoring with the open book resting on his peaceful face. |