SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant Aethonan
Join Date: Jul 2004 Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,909
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole Gryffindor Third Year | I'm thinking this story WILL have a sad ending ... *sighs* Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert As if I could ever truly end a story in this way, my dear sweet friends LOL I've neglected you all too long. You signed on for an Ottery story and you're going to get it, all full of love, heartbreak, EPIC (even if its just fail) and drama and love ... and you know it ... so here goes. Just remember kids, it ain't over 'til the cows come home ... (I'm from Texas so ...)  I wanna rock-n-roll
I wanna give my soul
I'm wanting to believe I'm not too old
Don't wanna make it up
Don't wanna letcha down
I wanna fly away
I'm stuck on the ground  ~Save You by Matthew Perryman Jones Tiffany had had a long day. A really long day that had started simply enough with making Teddy coffee, fending off his crude advances, setting him straight about how to properly treat a girl, threatening his life, then dealing with the disposal of a bottle imp, a small infestation of cosmic roaches which aren’t as comic as comic roaches, and then the boys had let her in on the whole story of their plans to save Ottery from the evils of his own happy nature. That had been two days ago ...
Now she just wanted to sit back with a long cold drink in one hand and Teddy’s strong hands massaging her neck. Not that she would ever say any such thing to him. Tiffany would have rather swallowed a can of living scorpions than even hint at the possibility.
She was lying on the bed, turned over to the bedstand and picked up a copy of a book that lay there. It was not the Bible. She sighed, “Well aren’t we just full of ourselves,” she remarked. Her fingers deftly flittered through the first few pages to the first story page of Bram Stoker’s book. When suddenly the doors of her bedroom suddenly burst open.
“Tiffany!” Angel exclaimed.
“What?” she screamed her wand in hand.
“It’s all a trap. Dracula never wanted to give Ottery the antidote. He has it. He wants Ottery to become a vampire anyway.”
“And you know this because? But more importantly you’re screaming this at me when you know we’re likely to be overheard because …”
“They already know!” the boy screamed turning around and firing a couple of hexes.
“Finally!” Tiffany yelled, laughing. Clearly being around Teddy was beginning to make her a little too wand happy. She pushed Angel back and with her magic slammed all the doors leading to her bedroom shut.
“That isn’t going to keep them out forever,” the boy remarked.
“No, but just long enough for me to get to my potions box,” she remarked winking as she kicked open her trunk which was at the end of her bed. She kicked it open and Angel gasped as he saw a small room full of potions and weapons like a mini portable dungeon.
“You were a Slytherin?” he asked.
“Does it really matter sweetie?”
Tiffany winked and asked him to wait as she disappeared down into the dark, dank, portable dungeon. Meanwhile the vampires slammed against the door like angry bulls trying to crash into a china shop. Angel sighed. Where the devil was that Mexican boy and his crazy dragon? They had a bloody dragon why wasn't he rescuing them or something? And where the devil was Ottery?
He heard the sound of tinkling glasses and bottles, one smashed and there was a curse, and Tiffany rummaged down in her dungeons. The door began to bend and splinter.
Every instinct in him screamed for him to flee and save his own life but ... there was something crazy, mad, happy and lovely about Ottery and he didn't couldn't see that snuffed out in the world. He could feel the darkness descending and story coming to a close. It wasn't supposed to end this way, he was supposed to be on deserted island sipping rum and living off the stolen pirates treasure he had accrued. What had ever possessed him to be a superhero when he was clearly a thief?
"Why couldn't I be a werewolf?" Angel complained aloud.
Suddenly, Tiffany's face popped out of the trunk a necklace of garlic on her neck. She flung another around the boy's neck and asked, "Are you serious? I could make you one for about fifteen minutes, nothing permanent but ..." she smiled wickedly holding her hand out so that he could help her out.
Angel sighed. "Why not? I'm already dying for this boy, why not go out as a werewolf as well, no?" AN: Thank you all for still reading and no you didn't seriously think I was going to go straight back to Otty and his impending peril ... LOL but what's Nick Fury doing, anyways? And Diego Cerberus ... ??? El dragon tambien!!!!! OMG! So many plot holes to patch sometimes I feel like I'm trying to keep a sinking ship from taking anymore water ... speaking of ships ... y el Ron? You should all be asking how his ship is sailing ...
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