|Who's On First? | Challenge Accepted.| | :Ink For Blood: | Team SUITS!| After leaving Italy, Mister Mason Krepp had also left/gotten rid of a good deal of his posessions. Twilfit and Tattings was one of the finest establishments he would grace with his business. Pushing open the door with one gloved hand, he nearly froze when he entered. Nearly. But Mason Krepp was a hard man to catch off guard. But he did clench his teeth together at the frustration of the presence of whom the shop was currently inhabited by. Children. Children who had no business being here. Didn't their mommies tell then to stay away?
Mason gave the shopkeeper a look, then continued through the shop, maintaining distace from the... short... children, although he certainly didn't plan to let them leave without getting a message across. But he wasn't about to let four children stop him; He came here for a reason. The tall man kept a sharp blue eye on the undesirables, especially... especially the one who was clearly muggle-born. When one spends one's time around fellow pure-bloods, and not with lower witches and wizards, there is a noticeable difference that's almost tangable.
The tall man's lips twitched to the side as he inspected a fine suit jacket in the dim light of the shop, inconspicuously glancing to the children, just... waiting.
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