Lot!Vamp <333 Piercas|Zayler|Chaia♥Cyphlan|Mr and Miss Forgetful|Whittiesaur+Bee|Co-Inceptor|Ellina So this was the shop what Josephine was telling Chandler about. The beauty shop which could CURE his ugliness! He was excited about that because then at least he wouldn't be so ugly and Kaia wouldn't secretly be disgusted when she looked at him and anyone wouldn't be disgusted either so everyone won.
He stuck a very large grin on his face as he walked up and down the aisles. One thing that the boy knew that he wasn't going to go to the make up part of the shop, he didn't need make up to make him look handsome, did he? Make up was for GIRL and Chandler Montague didn't want to look like a girl. He was a boy and he was going to stay that way thank you very much. 
Now WHAT to buy exactly? He could always get a dozen of those beautifying potions but he knew that wouldn't be enough. One hundred of those was more like it. That would cure his horridness. |