Hello ~Otty. You are to cute! I read all things OtterySt.Catchpole, even the spoilers.

I will admit though I was fooled for a sec. when you said The End. I was going to object most strenuously. Glad I followed the dots to the bottom of the page.
OK, so now for the story.
He smacked himself on the forehead and silently wished Teddy was with him to remind him of these things.
Ottery better be careful with those head-smacks. He might in his weakened condition do himself in, or at least knock himself to the floor.
"I ... think ... the ... choke hold ... kinda ... gave it ... away, Teddy," the boy replied.
My thoughts exactly!
"Now, about you becoming a vampire Ottery," Evangeline remarked. Here Dracula ran a long nail along his wrist and caused it to bleed. "The dark lord is going to give you the pleasure of being your sire."
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ottery can't become undead or anything else. Oh wait!

Maybe Ottery is a space alien. Does he have a tail he keeps hidden? Maybe he can turn Super Saiyen and pull a "Kamehameha" Ah... sorry, I should get serious with this. The gang needs to show up now, before something really awful happens. I mean, it's like Teddy said,
"I swear I thought this was supposed to get better not worse."
They need to save Ottery before the worst happens.
Great post ~Otty. I'll be watching for your next.