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Old 04-18-2011, 11:00 AM   #25 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Stella Marie Reed
Daily Prophet News Reporter
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Originally Posted by Emishlon View Post
Cedric couldn't help but stretch his arms into the air whilst yawning as he entered the Daily Prophet Headquarters. Yes, he had only just got this job so you could say, a little more enthusiasm was required. But Cedric was not used to getting up so early. Was it worth it for a little bit of cash in his pocket? ... No, not particularly. Nah, he was fooling himself. He was secretly very proud of his little Daily Prophet success.

The twenty two year old apprehensively stepped through the doors and absorbed his surroundings. His new workplace, his only workplace. This was the first proper job that Cedric had ever had. Adjusting his jeans by pulling them up a bit, he attempted a first step then stopped. Where the heck was he supposed to go now? Instead, he just stood there, looking rather like a lost puppy sort. Bless.
So there she was. Stella was going to enter the Daily Prophet for the first time as a hired woman. Man, was she proud. Inside she was bubbly, she wanted to run around and give all the employees at the Daily Prophet a kiss on the cheek but she was worried that wouldn't be appreciated. Which was why she kept her poker face intact and just entered. Although when she was inside she was amazed and just looked around her with a wide smile, she continued walking like that when suddenly she walked straight into a wall. Except it wasn't a wall. It was a person. Who was clearly in her way.

She let out a little squeal when she bumped into him and she dropped her bag so her things were thrown out on the floor. At least she managed to stay on her feet. With a shocked expression she looked aroun them to see if anyone else had spotted the big human wall that had almost pushed her over. Because it was allll his fault. Uh-huh. Quickly she crouched down so she could start picking up her things and put them back in her bag.

"What was that good for?" she snapped. Now, where was her keys...?
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