Josefin <3 Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl Cedric couldn't help but stretch his arms into the air whilst yawning as he entered the Daily Prophet Headquarters. Yes, he had only just got this job so you could say, a little more enthusiasm was required. But Cedric was not used to getting up so early. Was it worth it for a little bit of cash in his pocket? ... No, not particularly. Nah, he was fooling himself. He was secretly very proud of his little Daily Prophet success.
The twenty two year old apprehensively stepped through the doors and absorbed his surroundings. His new workplace, his only workplace. This was the first proper job that Cedric had ever had. Adjusting his jeans by pulling them up a bit, he attempted a first step then stopped. Where the heck was he supposed to go now? Instead, he just stood there, looking rather like a lost puppy sort. Bless. |