Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher #51 Act
After one of the typical huge suppers in which the entire Weasley family, Harry, Hermione, and most of the Order members had enjoyed was over one summer evening, two large bottles of oak-matured mead and butterbeer were opened as conversation flowed heavily amongst the friends and family. Here and there was the conversation between the children about Professors, detentions (in Fred and George's case), pets, and assignments. The Order members remembered old times and whispered here and there about tasks that were still to be finished. The new couple, Tonks and Lupin, sat in a corner whispering affectionately.
Admist the rumble of many different conversations going on around the large table set out in the garden, a flustered Molly Weasley, a little red in the cheeks from her drink, began to speak loudly to all those around her. "Children, children! You must hear this." he said waving them over to where she sat with Arthur and Hagrid. "I was just telling Hagrid here about how when your father and I were at Hogwarts they held a school play and how I was chosen..." she held her sentance to make it more dramatic, hiccuping instead. "To play Lady Juliet, in Romeo and Juliet."
The children groaned as Molly urged her husband to reinacted some of the key scenes once more for the crowd of visitors.