“I just ran” She shrugged, taking a burger off the barbeque and grinning at me. I didn’t return it.
Living room- now” I said, leading her away. I could feel the others watching us through the glass doors. “
Alicia- ” I started but she cut me off.
No, I’m not a vampire- I just got a few tricks, that’s all” She said and I nodded.
Is that it? The healing and the speed?” I asked and she frowned.
Not sure- wait...” She darted to the couch and lifted it with one hand. “
Cool” She grinned as she dropped it and sat down. “
I wonder if I got the snarling and growling thing too?”
Why didn’t you tell me about second year?” I asked and she glared at me.
I thought you would over-react at the time” She said quickly.
You still should’ve told me- I had a right to know” I said quietly. Alicia jumped to her feet.
The day Hermione and I got petrified. I had a vision of Hermione in the Hospital Wing, so I went to find her. I walked straight into him- he pinned me against the wall while Crabbe and Goyle stood there laughing. He said that a pretty Mudblood like me shouldn’t wander around alone anymore, that I should stay with someone. He said that if I wanted a change I should ditch you- I spat at him and ran off. As I found Hermione, we found the Basalisk” She said loudly, tears pooling in her eyes.
So why didn’t you tell me?” I answered back, causing her to glare at me before turning away.
I was scared of what you would say” She admitted quietly.
You were scared- of me?” I asked, turning her round. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. She nodded and I hugged her tightly, burying my face into her auburn hair.
You don’t hate me?” She muttered into my chest and I laughed, stepping back.
Course not- I could never hate you” She looked up at me and I kissed the tip of her nose. “
While we were at Hogwarts, did you keep any more secrets?” I asked. She looked horrified for a second before hiding her face again. I just laughed and pulled her onto the couch. “
I’ll take that as a YES”
I’d known about the Stone all year...” She said and I laughed again. “
What?” She asked, looking up at me with a slight smile.
I’d sort of guessed that... The strange talks with the teachers gave it away” I said and she grinned. “
Second year?”
I knew it was Ginny... I was going to talk to her but...” I nodded and she didn’t finish her sentence.
Third? Don’t tell me, you knew all about Sirius and Remus being a werewolf” I said grinning
And about the time turner- I had one too” She peeked at me before continuing. “
Fourth... Not that much really- I only knew the tasks... Sixth and seventh, they were secret free”
What about our fifth year?” I asked, frowning. She pulled a face.
Everything” She sniffed loudly and I decided to change the subject.
Want another burger?” She grinned and hugged me tightly before following me back outside.
How was the domestic?” Fred grinned and Bill, who was watching over the barbeque, threw a sausage at him. “
Butt out” He said, passing Alicia a burger. Fred pulled a face at him and remained silent.
Hagrid, I can hear you...” I looked over at Alicia as I walked back to the food, letting Bill sit down. She narrowed her eyes at Hagrid, who smiled impishly.
Are yeh certain yeh wan’tha’ burger?” He asked as he stopped smiling, concern taking it’s place.
Hagrid! I am not getting fat!” Alicia said, scandalised, glaring at him and dropping the burger back onto her plate.