Author's note: This is a collaboration between Cassiopia Malfoy and I, it will from two PoV's.
Disclaimer: Neither Cassiopia Malfoy or I own Harry Potter, J.K.R does. And Taylor Swift owns the song

Made by dragon_star
Chapter index:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter One: Rose PoV
There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity
Shifiting eyes and vancancy vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you--Taylor Swift
[I]Gah...Why did I have to come here?[I/] I thought as I faked a smile to Lilly, pretending to listen to what Rose was talking about. I nodded to her, I loved my cousin, but I was just tired, bored...lonely. Like everyday, like every week, like every day since graduating Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, not that it had been that long...But I still felt empty...
"Isn't this an enchanting party? Are you okay, Rose?" Lily Potter asked me, finally penetrating my thick wall of thought.
"Hm? Oh yes, I'm fine Lilly. I'm glad Lorcan and Lysander invited me," I lied with a convincing smile. Lorcan and Lysander Scamander, Luna Lovegood's children had thrown this party, and I was extreamly uncomfortable there.
I had already kicked off my pinchy shoes, and undone my too fancy braid of red hair. I was absently playing with the silver necklace around my neck. I wished I hadn't allowed Lily to set up my wardrobe for this party, now I felt more out of place then usual, too dressed up. I was not very confident about anything really, except when I was on a broom, I smiled at the thought. When I was on I was focused, confident, positive, and everything made sense, but on the ground, around other people...all of that confidence just disappeared. So a party was a bad idea for me (unless it was in the air, but that has yet to happen), and yet there I was.
"Rose!" Lily waved her hand in front of my face.
I blinked and looked up at her, "Huh?"
"Rose, I have been saying your name for the past two minutes! Are you sure you're okay?"
"Um...yeah, I'm having an enchanting time," I teased her, using her own words against her.
She smiled at me, buying the lie. Dominique Weasley, yet another cousin of ours, come skipping over. She was a very small part Veela and was gorgeous, looking just like her mother. She greeting me with a smile and a polite "Hello Rose Weasley," she liked using our last names.
I replied, "Hello Miss Dominique."
Dominique then started whispering to Lily, who suspiciously broke into a wide grin and kept glancing towards me then breaking into giggles that made her seem like a twelve year old.
I fidgeted, knowing who they were talking about. I was sure they meant well, but those two had tried to set me up on so many dates in the past, and it never worked. This was no doubt another one of their set-ups.
Bored out of my mind, I looked around, trying to find a familiar face, one that would actually hold an interesting conversation with me. Before I could spot someone Lily and Dominique grabbed my arms and dragged me, bare foot, across the room. They dropped me by Albus then they disappeared.
Well, unless they were setting me up with my cousin, major ew, then they had other plans. Uh-oh. "What is going on Albus?"
He smiled happily at me, uh-oh, "You'll see Rosie, you'll see."
Yep. Major Uh-oh. "Why did they dump me with you?"
"Because they have to ge- I mean, do something," Albus responded hurriedly.
"Wait, what?" I asked stunned.
He just laughed. I groaned. I was at a party, only half knew half the people, and now my evil cousins were keeping something from me.
The lights dimmed. The room quieted. A door opened. Rose and Lily walked in, carrying a giant cake with eighteen lights floating around the cake. They smiled broadly at me before walking over/ "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSE!!" the room exploded with noise and commotion.
I blinked.
It's not my...oh. Wow, I forgot my own birthday... "Um..Thank you. I think.."
I hated surprise parties. I hated them because it made the center of attention, and I only went because I figured I could blend into the crowd.
So much for blending.
For the next couple hours I was pretending to have good time. Forcing laughter, faking smiles, I had gotten good at it.
Finally I managed to break away, saying I needed some water.
Then, I saw him. He was standing away from the main part of the party. His gray eyes shifting from place to place, his face kind of far off.
I don't what came over me, but I was..I was enchanted. All I saw was him.