Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
Neptune put a finger to Jake's lip and pulled down his lip, then peeeeeeeked inside. Giggle. Just.... looking. And touching his lip because she could. She simply nodded to his question. She DID know that. Neptune did, after all, have standards. No dummies for boyfriends, obviously.
SCOFF. "How would you know what Randal likes? He doesn't get paid to like people, he gets paid to do things for my family." Not technically true, considering the Botts basically thought of Randal as family.
Slightly lower tiered family.
"Besides... they haven't really gotten to spend that much time with you. You'll have to meet Ola sometime. And Ells. And Xell and Dell, too." Probably not her father, but...who cared about him anyway? "Dell is the only one that won't like you and that's because Dell doesn't like anyone. I'll like you DOUBLE to make up for him." Giiiiiiggle.
Neptune was odd.
Looking in his mouth.
Jake made like he was gonna BITE Neptune's finger all playful like.
And then he shrugged. How was he supposed to know what ANYONE thought. It was merely an observation. The young man frowned slightly. Sometimes Neptune did that SCOFFING thing he wasn't too fond of.
But whutevs.
"I guess that's true. OH. Oh. I'll tell you who you have yet to meet. The twins... Cole and Dexter. They're like, three or something? Total nutters. Maybe you can see them in Diagon Alley at the end of the summer, with Dale."
... maybe.
Jake started to lightly twirrrrrl the tip of a lock of Neptune's hurrrrr, very carefully. "Say... what
country have you wanted to visit."