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Old 04-11-2011, 08:15 PM   #124 (permalink)
Team Potter
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elyon James
Second Year

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
"That and ice cream!" She added with a giggle. "BEYOND excited! I don't want to leave either! I feel like I belong here, you know?" Nika couldn't imagine leaving the train and her friends. She doesn't have anyone at home besides her sister who is starting to avoid her now. "I know I would miss my family, but I wish we had an option to stay at Hogwarts over the holiday like we did for Christmas." She just couldn't let go of the idea. "Elyon? Are there nargles where muggles live too?" The question had been bothering her ever since Elyon had told her about nargles.
"Ice cream is wonderful!" Elyon was tiny, but she loved ice cream so much! Maybe because it reminded of her of going to the city with her father ever summer. That was always so fun! Though this summer would be different...... Shaking the thought out of her head, Elyon nodded in agreement with Nika. "Me too! I'd miss my daddy very very much, but I could be free from Mummy!" No bruises were ever inflicted upon her at school..... except for when she tripped on the occasion! Normally she was very graceful and elegant, though. She always had been, even when she skipped!

"Of course! But I don't think they go in those areas as often! I always have pesky nargles taking things here at school, but at home, they never seem to take as much!" That would be nice over the summer to get away from those thieves! "I think they stay more in Wizarding communities, you know?" Elyon pondered thoughtfully if pureblood or halfblooded wizards ever had nargle troubles at home.

Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley View Post
" I bet you think this sounds silly, but I do not have a name for my dance studio' Rex explained to Elyon. "Any ideas? Rex asked Elyon." You are grown up, trust me" Rex told Elyon. " You did a great job Waltzing with me" Rex said to Elyon.
"That's not silly at all! You have plenty of time to think!" When Rex consulted Elyon from name ideas, she was both honoured and bewildered. "Really? I can help you think of a name!?" She jumped up and down with excitement, still managing to keep her Waltz in check though. "Hmmm, how about.... Rex's Magical Footwork?" Maybe he wouldn't like it, be she thought it was cute!

"I'm not a grown up! I'm just a little girl! I'm only eleven! But I will be twelve this July!" She said excitedly. She was very excited to turn twelve! "Oh can we keep dancing? The Waltz is one of my favourites!"

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Selina shook her head yes, "Elyie of course you can come. Look don't even ask your Mom. She will just make you miserable and keep you from your friends. It's your life make it a good one."
Elyon was still in shock that some one would let her live with them and let her be happy all at once! It was a dream come true! Besides seeing the Northern Lights of course.... She'd always dreamed of those. "But Selina, I have to ask her! She made us promise her to get her permission before we go somewhere, so people wouldn't see how freaky we are! And I never ever break a promise! Ever!"

Breaking promises felt like lying. And Elyon didn't see why people would lie. It just wasn't right.

Originally Posted by Imsosikk07 View Post
FREEDOM!!!! That's all Elektra could think of. Finally, she was going back home and getting away from Hogwarts, or as she liked to call it...witch's nightmare. She was finally free! Free from classes and teaches, especially Vindictus. Yeah, she didn't like him one bit. Everytime she thought of the name she had chills run through her. Did she also mention she was happy that she wasn't wearing that bathrobe and annoying school clothes? Yeah, her first year was something she won't forget. Wearing her out of school clothes, she felt like she could breathe again. Yeah, of course she had a few laughs here and there, met some new and exciting people, but she also had her share of drama in the castle, but then again a life with no drama is just not normal. As Elektra sat back she looked out of the window of the train not seeing Hogwarts anymore and she let out a sigh of relief. "What a year..." she said softly to herself. She really did miss her home. She missed her family, she missed her...well...friends, but you get the idea. She missed a lot of people. As Elektra looked outsie just watching everything just fly right pass her from the speed the train was starting to make her a little tired. She could use a good nap.
When a new girl in black clothes walked into their compartment and sat down opposite of her and next to Selina, Elyon beamed with excitement. She just loved making friends! Probably only because she had four..... five if you conted her brother. "Hi! I'm Elyon!" She said brightly, thrusting out a hand to shake with this new girl. She blinked a lot less than a normal person, so this probably freaked this girl out. But Elyon wouldn't noticed. She was too busy thinking about Wrackspurts. She whipped out a pair of Spectespecs and began to play with her long, sandy hair, still staring curiously at the stranger.

Last edited by Team Potter; 04-11-2011 at 08:17 PM. Reason: URL fail. :P
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