Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley
" Thanks and it really is good to see yo uagain" Rex told Emily. "Well, thanks for being so sweet to me" Rex said to Emily. " My dance studio will be successful, I think I am the lucky person to have found Rene and I bet you are going to do great in becoming an Auror" Rex explained to Emily.
"Thanks Rex, nice to know someone believes in me", she said smiling. Taking some of her hair and twirling it around her fingers.
Originally Posted by
Nika nodded her head wildly, "Yeah I'm Nika." She was impressed that the girl had remembered her name. "Yeah, I guess I am. I'm just not looking forward to leaving Hogwarts." She almost frowned, but quickly covered it with a smile. "What about you?" Nika could tell that the girl was much, much older than her but how old she didn't know.
Wow, finally someone she could understand! someone she could actually relate to!
"Mmm I don't want to leave either... but I don't really have a choice. Thing is at least you get to go back after the break... I don't"... nope she certainly didn't. Emily smiled as best as she could, but the realisation that her Hogwarts journey was coming to an end was finally hitting home- again. Hopefully she'd be able to hold back the tears until she was home. Hhhmm home. She would have to find one, Hogwarts had been her home for the last seven years.