Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher #65 Ooze
{For you James (Pokah Face) You're random!}
It was exciting having all the kids back at the Burrow again for the remainder of summer. Harry had arrived that morning, after being with Dumbledore all evening doing Merlin knows what, and had been tucked in for a nap for most of the morning and into the afternoon.
Having busied herself with yet again more cooking, Molly had been trying her best to get Harry's lunch fixed to go wake him when she took it. "Oh dear, I was going to take that to Harry don't worry about it." she said trying and failing to be pleasant. "Oh eetz fine I 'ave been waiting to see 'Arry all morning!" and with a flip of her platinum hair, Fleur Delcour whisked up the stairs with the tray of food. A few hours later as Molly began to fuss with her daughter about a missing sock, Hermione came running down the stairs with a HUGE black eye from one of the twins' inventions.
Sighing to herself, looking pitifully at Hermione, and cursing thee twins in her mind, Molly found the bruise paste and watched it ooze out onto the bruise. "I'm sorry dear!" |