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THAT made sense. No matter how much Treyen was going to miss a few people who...he was certain he was NOT going to see during the summer...the boy was ready to leave. And Jake...never really answered his question, never mind that the former seventh year was sort of right about it.
Treyen chuckled, "Yeah, I suppose, it's either this or being eaten by a plant." Because that's what Tate said on his speech, right? The soon-to-be fifth year was still standing by the door, only he was casually leaning against it. He...didn't know it he wanted to stay or not, because sharing the train back home with the one person he disliked for most of his life just seemed...odd.
A nod, and then the answer, "I've got nothing planned, really, but it'll be a good summer. I'm supposed to go see Fletcher...," you know, Sir Awesome, "...but I'm sure I'll be seeing more of Rae than him." Work. Grow-up thing. It takes a lot of Fletcher's time.
"So, eh, I hope you have a great life, Jake," yes, Jake, not Morgan, because...what was the point? He was never seeing the boy again, right? RIGHT? "Though, I'm sure I'll be hearing from you somehow," and there was a chuckle after that. Surely Jake could figure out HOW he'll find out about Jake, no?
Eaten by a plant? Jake must have missed something. No surprise really... he missed a lot of things with his wandering mind. Hyup.
Fletcher... Rae... both names of people Jake knew but wasn't familiar with soooooooo he didn't have much to say to that.
But what Treyen said NEXT... Jake was slightly surprised by. Have a great life... from Treyen. Wow. AND. And... wait whut? "You will?" ... "How?"
And then, before he forgot or chickened out.
"Wait... there's just one thing. I just... I always wondered... why have you always, like...
hated me?" Jake asked, turning properly and leaning closer slightly, eager for an answer.
There. He'd said it. No take-backs.