Eagle Eye [⅓ Badger Trio] Felon & Kafka ♥ Gilderoy Lockhart <3 [TEAM 947!] Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
"That I am," he smiled tucking the large stack of resumes under his arm and held out his hand for a sturdy handshake. "Name's Charles, Charles Hollingberry. New News Reporter."
A few of his papers came lose from under his arm and scattered across the ground.
"Oh oh!" his voice boomed. What was he going to do?! All his lovely pictures of his Princess Kurumi were going to get dirtied!!
Dropping his hand from the handshake gesture and dropped to his knees to begin picking up the papers - but not like some crazy man. The papers could get all crumbly and wrinkly that way. Oh! How perfect! Thank Morgana he wasn't a random person, then again, perhaps he was pretending to be a new hire? We need pictures, Ian.
No. No. She'd read that name in one of the papers. Charles Hollingberry. Then he'd been right all along, he WAS a new employee. There was a wide smile on Sienna's face, her first job in the Prophet had been in the News Section. "Charles, I'm Sienna Knoll...," Knoll-Walker, "...Managing Editor for the Prophet." One nod. "It's great to finally meet you," Xiao may like to have someone his own age working in the same Section.
She was about to shake his hand, but then there were papers everywhere! "Do you need help?" she said, tilting her head to one side, then her eyes fell on one picture, of a little girl, so, it was completely normal that she felt the liberty to pick that one picture from the floor and then..., "Your daughter?" she smiled. |