<3<3 Keep fighting, it will turn out okay <3<3 Nunually held onto Jeremy tightly. His fur no longer orange it was slowly fading and it was turning into blond. "Oppa we need to sit I still haven't had anything to eat and I am not feeling well." she told him and gave him a kiss on the top of his head. Nunually did not look well at all her eyes had shadows under them. She had received a letter from the hospital her mother was staying at. Her mother had taken a turn for the worst. She had to go home. She was hoping this was like last month where her mother had gotten worse and then better, but something in her heart told her otherwise. She shook her head. "Omma will be fine." she told Jeremy reassuring him and herself. It was hard to get her head into the last days in hogwarts and her grades had surely suffered. "I need to do better next year." she told herself and went into a compartment to sit taking Jeremy the cat in her arms along
Last edited by Akari-Sakura; 04-09-2011 at 10:17 PM.