Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
* Romance Starts but not Roses* Chapter 5: Rose at Slytherin Table
I was shocked when I heard Slytherin!! I wasnt mean...I wasnt cunning...Well I was when I was little...Maybe I still am? After all the Sorting Hat never makes a mistake...I know one thing...I wont be like other Slytherins!! I felt someone watching me...I turned to see a familar face, Draco Malfoy or to my sister Draciee!! He said Hey Rosie Congrats!!, and then he did the most un-draco thingy he hugged me...He NEVER hugged me...It was always Raven...Someone shouted Hey leave him alone! He is mine! I turned to see a pugged faced girl with black hair and brown eyes, she was dreadfull!! Draco nodded next to him and Goyle said Shut it Pansy, they've known each other since they were little kids...Hey Rose Crabbe nodded meaning hey, I smiled thinking, which one was which they looked the same? Was that one Crab or Goyle?? Oh well here's hoping Hey Goyle and Crabbe We ate and talked a bit that was it...Slythies were boring!! Why dont they talk?? I am a talker??NOT A SILENTER!! Well o-well...We were told to follow our prefects...Draco pulled measide and said silently probablly making sure only I could hear Tell your sister, I still have the crush what about her...And could you give her this note? Knowing if I could get to Raven, I was the one...I nodded and took the note...I told him to wait so I would know where to go...I quickly followed the Gryffindorks and grabbed my sister's arm accidentaly bumping into the cute boy who was known as Neville! I said what Draco had told me to and gave her the note and said Love you see ya soon hopefully!! And quickly went down the stairs and made my way to the dungeons following Draco...Wondering who were my roomates and about Neville...But mostly about Neville...
I opened the door where my name was to see a girl with, her hair in pom-poms! That was awsome I would totally have her do mine but not so pom-pomy...A girl writing a letter...and lastly a girl looking out the window....Looks like I was last...and late...The Pom-Pom Girl stood up and said Yay! Your here I thought you had requested to be moved!! My name is Cassy... Cassy Mandrake! The only Slytherin in a family legacy full of Gryffindorks!!She was Asian, she had brown eyes and black hair. A chuckle came from the Window Girl who said She is crazy, I am Jane Anderson, the sainest person here... I wasnt so sure about her but oh well I couldnt do anything about it.Jane had red curled hair and brown eyes, and her skin was pale, not like snow for it had some color to it. The Letter Girl said Hey I am Tina Rainbow...Wierdest name for a Slytherin right? I liked her she was cute and shy...She had brown curly hair with brown eyes and her skin was like milk chocolate but lighter...I giggled and said I am Rose Waters...And I am adopted!! Lily and Cassy immediatly yelled Story time!! Could I tell them?? I didnt want to say it to Jane, but luck was with me and she said I am out...Have fun kids... Tina looked at me and said Dont mind her, she is just being a stick in the mud. Because she is supposed to be in her 2nd year but her mum and dad pulled her out early because her brother got turned into a...a..werewolf... Now that sounded like a story...I took a deep breath and said Promise what I am about to tell you stays with us, not even to Jane... They nodded and I began, Have you guys heard of Lilac Deadrose? Cassy stood up and said in a dramatic tone The murderress, raving mad, cruelest and wickedest death eater there is...My aunt said she was even worse than Bellatrix Lestrange...She is dead now...She got the dementors kiss... I took a breath again, my stomach feeling full with buterflies...and continued She...was my..mother...And when she was sent to Azkaban and well ou know the rest...She told Minerva McGonagall who my father was, and I dont think she knows who I am... I dont know who my father is...When I was 5 years old...unknowingly we were picked up and sent to a Muggle Foster Care, a Hit Wizard found us, and were going to seperate me and Raven, but I wasnt going to let that happen...So I bit him...We werent seperated and the only people that he told was the Misistry of Magic...We were adopted by Susan and Tim Waters and ever since I can remember I have been trying to figure out who my dad was, and adopted father has been helping me, my addopted mum is furious with him and says he shouldnt...My sister also dosent want me to find him? Tina had an open mouth and Cassy waited a few seconds and then jumped up and said I want to help you find your dad!!, Tina giggled and said Me too!! I laughed and said Why dont we form a group? Cassy smirked and said Yeah, we should call it The Green Swans!! I peeked over at Tina, who eyebrow's went all up and confused...And I could feel mine, one up one down...Tina finally broke the tension and asked Why? Cassy looked at her and said Green for Slytherins and Swans for girls, and we all know that are parents dont want us to be in Slytherin, so we stick out...Like the Ugly Duckling who was a Baby Swan!! Get it now?? I laugheed and said Yes and its perfect!! Tina nodded and said We make quite a team...
__________________ ♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕  ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕
Last edited by Luna_Midnight; 08-10-2011 at 01:38 AM.