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Caroline frowned a little. She felt bad for Kurumi, But she had something that she hoped would make her feel better. (at least a little better) "I dont want to stay long Kurumi. I have something for you." she pulled a book out and handed it to her. Inside the book was also an invition to her house this summer. "It's my great grandmothers Weasley's cook book. I think you'll enjoy it." She smiled. Salzar her cat jumped up beside Kurumi and stiffed Walnut. "Salazar get down."
Kurumi turned her gaze back when Caroline still chose to speak to her despite her mood. That was rather kind of her and Kurumi gave her her full attention just in time to see the blonde handing her a cook book. "
Oh...Caroline..." Kurumi blushed. "
Are you sure it is alright for me to take this?"
Walnut, smelling the sent of another cat, put his ears down and began swishing his tail. What do you think YOU'RE sniffing at? It wasn't like he smelled like anything different now. He smelled like cat...with perhaps a dash of vanilla since he had been with Kurumi in the kitchens that morning.
It's alright," Kurumi said smiling slightly as the other cat attempted to get to know Walnut. "
Walnut is the one who is more upset about it."
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While the ending feast was one proof that the term was officially over, the arrival of the train to London was the cement that made it all so real. WIth his trunk fully packed, Simon made his way to the train station with the rest of his housemates and fellow students Depositing his trunk in the storage, the sixth year moves to get on at the nearest open doorway to where his carriage had left him off which happened to be the front. He walked down the center aisle debating finding friends or just settling into an empty compartment and wait for them to come to him.
If this cat starts sniffing my butt... Walnut's tail continued to swish back and forth as his eyes narrowed. He was far above getting into a cat fight, but it drove him insane when cats acted...well...like cats. Deciding he had had enough, the cat jumped off Kurumi's lap, glared at the other cat, sniffed the other girls' shoe and decided that she didn't smell nearly as good as Peppermint Boy, and waddled out of the compartment. It was then that he saw the familiar face of a boy he had seen in the common room often enough and followed him into a different compartment.
Perhaps he would be so willing as to give him attention? Yes? Please?
Seeing Walnut wander off, Kurumi rolled her eyes and went chasing after the cat.
She really REALLY didn't need this aggravation at the moment.