SPOILER!!: Partner in crime && Kurumi
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Caroline got on board the Hogwarts express. She wasn't ready to leave this morning. By the time it was time to borad they couldn't get back to Kings Cross soon enough. She walked by a door where she heard a familar voice. "Katie?" she said as she open the door. When she was fully into the compartment she also seen Kurumi. "Hey, Kurumi! She smiled. brightly to both girls. "Mind if I sit with you two?" She asked.
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Kurumi looked over her shoulder and idly scratched Walnut behind the ears when she heard voices, one after the other, enter the compartment. She wished that she had cast Colloportus on the doors.
She didn't really want to talk with anyone, unless they were Lexi. Maybe she should go to another compartment? She didn't want to be a mood breaker or make the other two girls feel uncomfortable, but she really didn't feel like being all hyper either.
Instead, she held Walnut close to her chest and scooted closer towards the widnow.
If you want to," she said quietly turning her gaze back out the window.
Katie smiled as she heard what Kurumi had to say, she sat opposite her and smiled, she then saw Caroline, Katie quickly hoped off her seat and gave her partner in crime a hug,
"Hey Caroline!" Katie giggled. She looked at the two, not knowing what to say, but then got an idea.
"I can't believe the year is over already" Katie said looking at the two, wondering what they might say in reply.