Originally Posted by
imaginarynumb3rs "I'm sorry; I'm sorry; I'm sorry; I'm sorry-" the Hufflepuff continued to sob, each appology, rather than becoming more robotic, sounding increasingly frenetic. Her eyes squeezed shut, hands plastered to her face, she failed to notice Jake's sudden disappearence. All she could see was black.
"I'm sorry; I'm sorry; I'm!"
She was cut off midwail by, Wesley parted her fingers, peering through blurry eyes, by Jake. By Jake's arms, wrapped around her in a hug.
Wesley didn't understand. So she listened.
No, no, no, her thoughts became words, "No, no it's not. I do, I," she struggled, attempting to squirm out of his grasp, "I do. It's my," the tears started again, "it's my," she was choking; it wouldn't come out. It wouldn't come out. She was scared. She was ashamed, but she, she needed to say it, "fault."
"It's my fault. I, I," her pasty, sticky, drippy face turned frenzied, crazed, dark eyes widening, "You d-don't understand. I could've st-stopped it. I was there, I was, was a-at the D-d-death D-day party. U-under the table," long story, "and, and I heard you, t-talking to Myrtle. Y-you said you k-killed him. Kyle. And, I d-didn't believe you. I f-fainted."
"If I h-had helped you then, then, H-helios a-and Abby would st-st-still be," her wobbly stutter-sob broke into a full-out run, as her eyes widened still,"aliveandyouwouldn'thavehadtogothroughallofthatand RemiwouldneverhavecomeandMirandaandOliverwouldneve rhavegottenhurtandHeadGirlCelawouldneverhavebeenab ductedandnoonewouldeverhavefoughtandProfessorLupaw ouldstillbehereandMarielandTibieriuswouldneverhave hadtoleaveand-," Wesley gasped for air, "wewouldstillbefriends."
There. She said it.
The ugly, dispicable truth.
Now he knew.
Wesley placed her suddenly cold hands in her lap, where they lay, placid and unfeeling. She couldn't look at him, so she looked at them, and whispered, shoulders drooped, defeated, "That was all I ever wanted."
Jake leaned back as suddenly he was pushed out of Wesley's arms by the girl and, to be honest, he looked really hurt.
Then... he frowned.
"Why," the young man began, his voice getting up to normal level again. "-do you always think everything is your point? Remi was an evil but powerful man. I bet other people realised something was up... in fact..."
He shifted around slightly and took hold of Wesley's hands. "I was blacking out... missing entire days. Think about it... I
told someone, Wesley. After the Death Day party... I
told Kazimeriz. I told him I believed I'd killed someone, and I think LouAnn told him about the blackouts... like I did. So whether you did or didn't tell... it would have happened anyway."
He shook his head. "Four years ago, I was
possessed. If you were close to me, and I realised when I was possessed... you'd have gotten hurt. And Wesley, I would
never forgive myself if I ever caused you harm in anyway. Including now..."
Because these tears? HIS fault.
At the last part, Jake shook his head.
"You need to try and stop thinking about it... stop blaming yourself. I told myself I should never stop thinking about them... that it would be an insult to their memories. But it was slowly killing me... and you being so upset right now... it just proves that the whole idea of the situation is not good for you."
Yes, it was a lot to say, but NO, Jake did not care. He was devastated that Wesley was blaming herself. "That day at the party... a lot of people heard that stuff, I had wands pointed at me because people heard... a lot of people told... but it didn't change anything."
Jake squeezed Wesley's hands and looked pleadingly at her, his eyes all watery and sad. His sunglasses were off as well, now, so his eyes and expression were visible.
Please... don't blame yourself.