Thread: Staff Table
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Old 04-07-2011, 09:30 PM   #69 (permalink)
Luna Laufghudd
Special Services to the School
Luna Laufghudd's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 6,692

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maya 'Fiera' Saylen
♪ Golden Badger ♥ clawdia & taylour ♥ Huffie Cappytain ♫

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
BUT! Then she heard some of the professors speaking with Professor Saylen.


It couldn't be true? Could it?

"Excuse me, Professor?" Kurumi asked practically jumping backwards to be in front of the Care of Magical Creatures' professor. "I-I couldn't help but over hearing that"

She couldn't finish her sentence and her lower lip began shake so much that she bit down on it.
For a second, Maya thought that a rabbit had escaped the closed in creature area, that hop definitely had her attention now, but she relaxed when she saw it was young Kurumi. "Yes?" Aw, came to say 'happy summer' or something?

But no. Instead the Mexicana was left wondering what the second year tried to say. She glanced around worriedly. "Miss Hollingberry...what is wrong?" Did she need the nurse? Was this because of the almost poop she tasted? Oh dear.

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Was it just her or did Maya's plans sound oddly like a baby's enticing? Seriously ... what could be better than just doing NOTHING and then eating? "Sounds ... relaxing." Hmm? What? Maya is leaving them? Why did she not hear about this? That's what she got for spending too long cooped up grading papers. "About the same ... much needed sleep with the occasional bite to eat just to keep me alive." Hehe.

Trip to Italy this year? Uh, she hadn't really considered that? But she supposed she should as it's been almost three years since she saw her parents and they probably wanted to know the details of how she was enjoying her new teaching job. "Considering it. Do you think you'd be willing to visit me there?" Cause Maya would surely LOVE those Italian food dishes. "I'm gonna miss you." Fina said rather quietly, barely audible.
Relaxing? Oh, it was more than just relaxing. Hehe.
And it seem Josephina had the same plans. See, great minds think alike.

So she was thinking about going to Italy. "You totally should, unless you have some other fantastic plans." Was Maya willing to visit? It was as if asking her if she liked her tortillas to be made of corn. "Oh, I would love to visit you there." Invitation? Again? Accepted. "Having you as a tour guide will surely be interesting." Maya smiled, already feeling the warm 'Italian' sun on her face.

Oh, what? "I'm sorry?" Had she said something else? Bah, could everyone in here be quiet, exept for Fina, Maya wanted to know what she said. Shhhhhhhhh. Hehe. "The trip to Italy would be nice, or else I would miss you too much." Wink.

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Nika gave her professor a worried look. No more searching in poo for her. "Can we learn about unicorns instead? Or bunnies?" And not poo.
Maya had to chuckle. " why didn't I think about teaching you about them..." She shook her head, jokingly, giving the girl a smile. "I'm sure you will learn alot about them one day. Who knows, maybe next term." Yes. If their new CoMC Professor wanted to.

Originally Posted by Hera View Post
Next Emily greeted the rest of staff.
"I just wanted to thank you all for everything you've done over this last term in perticular. I've enjoyed all of your lessons, they've been really insightful and inspriring... I'll miss you all".

Oh no... not again... Emily bit her tongue, she could feel the tears welling in her eyes again. NO! No tears!!! die!!!.............. she was NOT going to cry in front of staff.
Awww. Why was this girl so...emotional? She wanted to make her go away. No one made Maya cry. "You are most welcome, Miss Browne. Good Luck on your future endeavors. I am sure you will do great." Good student. Yes.

Originally Posted by PattyH. View Post
It was the last feast of the year, and Patroclus' only offical opening/closing feast due to the fact he had missed the opening naturally being a prefect he thought he should go talk to the Professor, even if it was only to say have a nice summer.....

However some words passed through the mouth of the ever smexy senorita that Patroclus may or may not have had a slight teacher crush onthat affect the Prefect as if he had been punched in the stomach and physcially pushed back


It hit Patroclus like an arrow, he left sick, his gasped for breath, it couldn't be happening....

Again, he pulled at his shirt, the pain it was crippling him, she had to be lying, Haha really funny Maya! Please be joking....

"You can't.......leave us....."
Ohmygosh, what was that??
The smile she'd been giving the young girl dropped when Patroclus appeared by the table. She was speechless. Not in a million years did she think students would actually care.

Errr, what to say... "Mister Hudson..." WHAT. Something witty, something to joke it away, something to make him annoyed at her and forget what he had said.

Buuut nothing came. "Oh, I shall miss you, Mister Hudson. But I will expect you to look after the creatures when I'm away." Not that the new CoMC wouldn't be great...but she'd seen the boy taking care of his Abraxan, and it was clear he had a passion. Not to mention the big heart he had.

Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay View Post
Isabelle laughed and patted Jeremy on the back. That was probably the first time she'd been called 'cool' in her life, and it certainly made her giggle. "Absolutely she should. All the wonderful people are down that end." She grinned broadly, secretly hoping her work colleagues down this end would take the joke.

Oh, so he'd heard as well. Of course Issy knew it was true, she'd seen Maya packing away her things - more than you'd just do if you were storing them to come back. Then she'd heard the news and, truthfully, become quite sad about it. Seeing Jeremy pout was fairly amusing, but the reason for it certainly wasn't. Crinkling her brow, Issy looked between the two waiting for the Mexicana to respond to the questions.

It would probably look awfully unprofessional if Isabelle leant forward and hugged Maya, wouldn't it? That was the urge she had, but such a public place was most likely a bad idea, so instead she stuck to giving the woman a squeeze on the arm. "I'm good, thank you. I hope you are?" You know, apart from the TERRIBLE SADNESS at leaving them.

"It's been great working with you, too. Thanks for being so nice to me when I started - both of you, really," she smiled, turning her head to grin at Jeremy as well. "However long you've been doing something, doing it somewhere new is always nerve-wraking. But having friendly faces really helped. You'll certainly be missed."

It was a good job the subject changed, because Issy was practically on the verge of some tears. And that would NOT have looked good. At all. "Oh, Alastair has promised a trip to South Africa for a safari. Whether that will happen remains to be seen," she chuckled. Not that he was prone to lying, more that the Ministry would get busy with all the changes taking place. "Yourself?"

Tapping Jeremy on the shoulder, Isabelle pointed in the direction of their boss. He seemed to about to make his speech, and she thought it a good idea they were seated first. "Talk to you later, Maya, yes? Have a proper goodbye. We'd best get to our seats, Jeremy, Tate looks ready to speak." Giving Fina and Maya a broad grin and squeeze of the shoulder as she passed, she mouthed her goodbyes and strode back down her own end of the table.
Cool side of table...pffft. Hehehe. Well if these people were there, then yes, Maya wanted to join the cool side.

Was Maya good? Yes, she was good. Exept for that moment she had something in her eye...and all these goodbyes from students was making the corn piece come back to irritate her eye and cause flooding of tears. But, you know, all good. "Mhm," nod nod, "I'm good." Blah.

The next thing that Issy said made her bite down on her lower lip. She hadn't actually thought of being ''welcoming''...which can sound rather rude - but Issy just seemed like a really nice person. And nice persons should be treated nicely. Hehe. Speechless again. "Thankyou." She did say that though, and most sincerely.

Oh Africa! "That is lovely! There are sooo many beautiful creatures there... I've been thinking of moving to Africa, but I'd miss the mexican food terribly." Hehe. "I do hope it works out, if not, why not take the trip yourseld?" Hmmm? OH, can Maya come with?! "I will go back to the family farm, see my parents...maybe take a trip to Europe," hehe, "Eat and sleep. Basically." Wonderfully exhausting term.

Ah, but now, Tate's speech. As much as Maya wanted to eat, she wouldn't have mind waited a while longer. "Yes, ofcourse." Talk more later indeed!

'Do not die'.

Approved. Nice speech. Yes.
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