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"Oh I'll definately write," she said smiling at Spike, " Hopefully I'll be able to tell you awesome stories about all the bad guys I catch!" she said grinning, though really it would probably just be a lot of theory and training... with not out in the field. Still one day she'd be able to tell those stories.
Emily couldn't help but laugh at Spikes next remark, brushing the last tear out of the corners of her eyes she wrapped Spike up into to hug as well.
"You boys should know I love hugs from BOTH of you!" she ruffled Spikes hair again, carefull so as not to disturb Matilda.
Swooping into the great hall, wonky wings flapping erratically, the tawny owl flew aimlessly around the dining hall just below the enchanted ceiling, large owl eyes searching. It had been a long flight for Furmy filled with many distractions, lots of mice, and now lots of children. But he had letters to deliver, so the mice would regrettably have to wait until his job was done.
Emitting soft hoots, he slowly descended towards the Ravenclaw table and landed. Holding out his leg, he hobbled to the edge of the table towards the Emily person, and waited for her to retrieve her letter.
Hopefully soon, he had mice to catch.
SPOILER!!: Letter
To:: Emily Browne
From:: Evander Bole
To Emily Browne,
You have been accepted into the Youth Auror Training Initiative, a supplementary program designed to facilitate practical experience and introduce on-the-job training in an immediate way and at a fundamental level of Auror Training.
Only the top Auror applicants are granted this opportunity which requires hard work and dedication and is set in addition to the regular workload of Auror Training at your chosen Ministry sanctioned training facility.
You will be employed on a part-time basis to fit your regular training schedule, and may nominate particular certification areas on which to focus on during your apprenticeship.
Further information can be found in your orientation pack.
We look forward to working with you and helping you on your journey towards becoming an Auror with the British Ministry of Magic.
Evander Bole
Department Head of Magical Law Enforcement