This is my first SSRPG FF, but not my first FF. My other's have gone inactive/been deleted and with the quality of the writing, I decided to re-write/scrap them. But now I am coming to follow the life of my DP character: Abigail Mason. The chapters will have no sequential order and will explore various parts of Abigail's life. Expect to see appearance by her brother and sister: Allison and Alexander. They'll be there a whole lot because they're triplets and always stick together. So without further adieu...
The Crazy Life of Abigail Mason

Banner by Cian 
Abi sat in the waiting room at St. Mungo’s. It had been four months since she learned that she was pregnant. It had been four months since her boyfriend (who shall forever and always remain nameless) left her after hearing the news. That was in the past. Today Abigail was going to focus on the good things in life. The fact that Ali had been there for her at a moment’s notice, the fact that Alex even offered to leave the Quidditch tour to help her (which she would never allow), the fact that Stef seemed to be doing all right, and the fact that today was the day she was finally going to find out whether she was having a boy or a girl made this day a good one.
Abigail looked up as the nurse came in. She looked back down at her book as she realized she had come there for someone else. She looked to her left and saw Allison, thumbing through the latest fashion magazine, dog-earing pages here and there. She then looked to her right and saw Alex, staring aimlessly at the ceiling and trying not to fall asleep.
“Thank you so much for being here. I just don’t think I would’ve been able to do this by myself.”
Allison shut the fashion magazine and Alex sat up straight.
“Wouldn’t be anywhere else right now Sis.” “Ditto. Besides, I’m missing quidditch practice for this, which totally makes my day.”
Abi chuckled and lightly punched Alex in the arm. He was so lazy sometimes. Yet he was still her brother and she loved him all the same. The nurse walked out again and all three of the triplet’s heads turned to look at the older woman.
“Abigail Mason.”
Abi let out a sigh.
“That’s me.”
The older woman smiled.
“Right this way dearie.” She looked at the two sitting on either side.
“You two can come as well if you’d like.”
And like they had planned it, Alex and Ali got up at the same time, both offering their arms to Abigail to help her get up. Abi smiled and lifted herself up. Well, here goes nothing.
Abigail looked over at the doctor, whose eyes were on the Muggle Ultra Sound machine. It was her choice to use it. She just felt safer that way.
“What’s the verdict doc?” Alex asked nonchalantly. Leave it to Alex to treat this like it was no big deal.
“Well, right there you can see her beating heart.”
“Her? It’s a girl?” Abigail was so happy that tears started to come to her eyes.
“Yes. And the other little beating heart right there belongs to girl as well.”
Now it was time for the triplet’s jaws to drop.
“Other? So you’re saying…” Allison started.
“That I’m having twins?!” Abigail finished.
“Yes. Happy, healthy twin baby girls.”
Abigail was so happy and shocked. She couldn’t believe that she was having twins! This day just got better and better.