Originally Posted by
Syd (:
"Awesome." Dallin smiled. "And I'd be glad to help you surf." Although he had never actually tried to teach someone how to surf better before, so he didn't know if he'd even be able to do so. But he would definitely try.
He nodded slowly, his smile fading. "Well, of course I'm happy for you too." That wasn't a total lie... "I mean, new school and new experiences are awesome. That's what I came to Hogwarts for." He was rambling, now, but he couldn't stop. "I bet Beauxbatons is amazing. And of course you couldn't let this opportunity go. It's a once-in-a-lifetime." He didn't know if he was trying to make himself feel better, or if he was trying to make Satine feel better. He didn't even know why it was such a big deal to him. He'd left friends when he went to Hogwarts, why should it be any different when a friend leaves him?
... Probably because he was closer to Satine. His friends at Merlin's had just been there to hang out with, mostly.
He half-smiled when she said that she liked to see him. When she grabbed his hands, though, he lost his train of thought. Stop acting like you're eleven years old! He scolded himself. You're fifteen! He squeezed her hands softly. "You can still write, of course. And visit." He forced a bigger smile. "It's not a goodbye forever. Just a see you
Hearing his name, Dallin jumped, pulling his hands away from Satine. He looked around where he thought the shout had come from, and caught the eye of the girl he'd been thinking about moments before. "Hey Aimée!" He waved, a grin instantly reappearing on his face. He was about to ask her to join him when he saw that she was already sitting by someone she seemed to know. So instead, he just waved again and smiled a less-dorky smile.
Satine put up an I Love You Sign like the surfers did and with a funny grin said, "
Totally Awesome..." with a giggle, "
that sounds like a plan and a date...so don't be running if you see purple coming towards you on the beach..." she said with a slight nod left and right.
She smiled a fake smile as Dallin replied to her new endeavor. She couldn't tell if he was serious about being happy about her opportunity or not. She smiled half heartedly holding slightly to his hands...she felt like her hands fit well with his, but then she pushed that thought out of her mind...she didn't need to be thinking like that when she would be gone next term. She looked down at their hands and then back up at his eyes with his comment about not a goodbye...her smile slowly reappeared and this time it was her genuine signature smile. "
I like the way you think" she said with a wink, "
Yes, I will have to write and we can't loose touch at all...I mean I'll come visit during breaks and I'll still have to come to Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies so we can always meet for ice cream and licorice wands..." she said softly, but her next thought was cut off when Dallin pulled away from her....
She glanced down the table towards the girl and tried to keep a straight face and not stare or anything. She turned back around and grabbed her cup for a drink suddenly realizing that she was really thirsty. She took a drink and then set the cup down instantly grabbing a piece of purple hair and twisting it in her fingers...come on Satine you need to tell him...you are seventeen years old and should be able to handle this...those words kept circling in her head.
Well, I just wanted you to be one of the first peeps that I shared the story and, I guess, good news, sord of, with..." she said softly smiling at him...she wasn't good at this serious stuff...her smile always snuck through, "
Well, and, ummmm," she glanced down in the direction of the girl that had waved...o no what if he was talking to her...well who cared Satine would be gone soon so he could talk to whomever he wanted to...she would be...gone soon..."
I have really enjoyed getting to know you...yes...