Name: Daria Devereaux
Division: Ministry Security
Job Title: Security Officer
D.O.B: October 31, 2052 (currently 21 years old)
Physical Description: Height: 5’2’’
Weight: 105 lbs
Race: Caucasian
Eye Color: Bluish-green
Hair Color: Naturally a dirty blonde
Glasses or contact lenses: Wears contacts
Skin Colour: White
Shape of Face: Oval face
Marks/Scars: Scar on back/left calf from a mandicore bite
Magical Despription: Wand: 11.56 inches, Willow, Unicorn hair core, Twirly
Boggart: Death
Patronus: Unicorn
Background: Nationality: French
Hometown: Paris, France
Current Residence: London, England
Siblings: Only child of elderly parents
Parents: Henri (63) and Gabrielle (61) – Both parents are magical, retired and reside in France; Henri is in bad health.
Grandparents: Henri’s Parents – Marcell and Evette Devereux, Gabrielle’s Parents – Pierre and Monique La Belle (all elderly, but living)
Relationship Skills: Patience, great communications skills, tolerance
Blood Type: Pure
Education/Training/Experience: Educational Background: Hogwarts graduate, 10 owls, has begun Auror Training, 3x Wand Duelling Champion
Intelligence Level: Intelligent
Character's Short-Term Goals: To receive on the job experience
Character's Long-Term Goals: To become an Auror, get married and have children
Personality: Dress Style: Enjoys bright colors. At work, she generally wears dark blue robes, at home, blue jeans and pretty t-shirts.
Mannerisms: Soft-Spoken, clumsy, quick moving.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, hiking and equestrian
Favourite Saying: “What doesn’t kill you; makes you stronger!”
Speech Patterns: Proper grammar, rather long winded
Greatest Flaws: Self-doubting and caring too much
Best Quality: Patience
Daria is not confident in who she is, and although she is a very capable and efficient individual, she does not see the beauty within herself. In fact, she is a very strong person. Daria believes that people find her amusing and ditzy rather than smart, interesting and dependable.
Although Daria believes in herself, she lacks the confidence needed to prove it to others. Her mind is much stronger than her will. Daria is a very logical person, but will be the first to admit to her fragile emotional state.
Emotional Characteristics:
Daria is both an introvert and an extrovert, depending on the situation and her mood. She does not anger easily. If forced into an anger-ridden situation, Daria may be prone to tears. When sad, she will usually hide herself away until her emotions are well under-control. During conflict, Daria always remains calm. She is able to confront people with a calming influence. Daria does not deal well with change.
Daria is motivated by other people’s praises, and likes to witness the outcome of any situation. She is happiest around people who are healthy, wise and hard-working. Daria is never judgemental of others, and she always sees the best in others. Daria is a very well-mannered and polite individual.