Originally Posted by
PhoenixRising Josephina was still not really sure where the time went. One minute she was planning for her first lesson of the term and the next she was grading the final couple assignments of the term and getting ready to head down to the closing feast.
Overlooking the students and making sure they were behaving themselves . . . mostly . . . Fina glanced sideways down toward where one of her colleagues was sitting. Offering Hecate a brief smile and wave, she turned her attention back to the student tables and sniffled just a bit. There were some mighty talented seventh years she would miss seeing next year. But she knew, wherever they were headed off, they would be alright.
She returned the greeting with a professional nod.
Originally Posted by
Lislchen This term had gone by so fast. Way too fast for his liking really. Now it was time to say goodbye to everybody again and some of them wouldn't even come back next term. The End of Term Feast was always quite sad but enjoyable nonetheless.
Walking up to the Staff Table, Jeremy gave Fina at the other end a grin and a wave before taking a seat next to Hecate. "Hello Hecate." He said softly, touching the woman's arm briefly with a smile. The other person normally sitting next to him wasn't here yet...and he wasn't sure if he should be glad or sad about that.
"Jeremy, I trust your year went well." She said smirking. "How was muggle studies?"
Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley I enjoyed your classes the most since I transferred to HogWarts" Rex told Professor LaFay. " Thanks for teaching me a lot" Rex said to Professor LafaY.
"You are welcome, Master Trigwell..." She said with a nod.