Hello Maxie. Please forgive the lateness for this comment. Computer problems, getting ready for my son's wedding, tornadoes, no electricity, and then the wedding, kept me too occupied to do anything on the computer. But, the last of the company left today, and I can now start getting caught up on things.
On to your ff. I think this bit was soooooooooooooooooooooooo very brilliant!
She might not be able to get his head on a plaque but – and the cool gaze she turned on him, for one lingering second said this – if he expected her to pretend nothing had happened, act like the rest of the Death Eaters, he was sorely mistaken.
The thought of reducing his stature to a common House Elf would certainly show her ire towards him.

I think the House Elf is the only magical creatures that get there heads mounted aren't they? Anyway, so brilliant.
“Perhaps that should serve as a reminder." Voldemort's voice was still detached. Keeping her at a distance. Professional. It occurred to her that maybe he did see her as just another lab-rat but, even as the thought came to her, she knew it was not true. He did not. He could not. “It might teach you to remain alert, at all times.”
And how would one be able to be forever alert with ones arm in so much pain distracting one from the constant surveying?

This bit;
“Why not?” Voldemort asked. His manner seemed like that of an experienced teacher interested in a student because the said student has given an answer, different from those that the rest of the class has given. “I don't suppose you have an answer."
reminded me of how I picture Snape teaching his best students. He must have learned his technique from Voldy himself.
Her grin faltered. She had become so used to going against his rules, and so used to him tolerating her to an extent, that it hadn't occurred to her that he might decide two could play at that game.

Jenna one - Dark Lord one
This last bit was almost endearing. I rather liked Voldy here.
Behind her, the Dark Lord smiled, a smile that could have been fake or genuine, but a smile that was not cynical. It seemed, to him, like he had finally found a way to make Jenna White shut up.
But just for the time it took me to read it.
Great chapter Maxie. Hope all is well with you. I'll be watching for your next chapter. Love ya bunches.