Maria Lenton
Name: Maria Lenton
Age: 22
Birthday: July 21st
Place Of Birth: New York, America
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Half- Half
Marital Status: Single
Position: Sports Reporter
Height: 5'4"
Hair: Light Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
- Boys
- Reading
- Being the girl who she really is
- Playing Practical Jokes
- Sometimes watching some quidditch
- Fake People
- Uptight People
- Things that are slimy
- People who get in her way
In Depth
Maria has has a very tough life - leaving NY to come to England at the age of 9, her parents divorcing and her baby sister dying in a car crash.
But she knows that all this bad stuff, has made her a stronger person
She is head strong and knows what she's doing, if you get in her way - the claws will come out and no one would like that.
She was born in NY but moved to England when she was 9 years old with her mom and dad as they couldnt take the memories of her sister in their old house anymore. Her sister Amy died when Maria was 8 - a year had gone by and none of the pain and suffering has gone.
Then when she was in her 5th year of Hogwarts, her parents divorced suddenly claiming that they both just wasnt 'feeling it any more'.
Maria has resentment againt her mom and dad and havent seen them in 2 years and doesnt personally want to.
Maria thinks every relationship is going to end up in a disaster like her parents so she's still single.
All the headstrong stuff is a front, an act that she created to never let her guard down because she hates it when her guard is down but deep down - she is still grieving for the baby sister who only lived 2 years of a long life.
She will get straight into work but when she goes home, go have a night out with her friends if they're available.