Brain Twin | MASTAH ASHURRII | Reisdent PokeNerd | Digifangirl 60. Joke "To Mister Fabian Prewett;
I Swoon in Your General Direction"
“Lily! My heart! Where hast thou been all day?”
Lily turns at the voice of Fabian, a wide smile already settled upon her face. She reaches across the distance towards the Ravenclaw, her expression of pining.
“Oh Fabian, my love! How can I bear the separation? I count the hours ‘til we meet again!”
She swoons at him and he laughs, his arm outstretched, not meeting her fingers.
“We shall meet again, in charms this afternoon, m’lady!”
“Until then, love!” Lily waves an invisible hanky as Fabian heads towards class.
Nearby, James Potter glares at Fabian’s retreating back.