Thread: Charms Final
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Old 04-02-2011, 02:49 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

x11 x11
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Kita walked to the other side of the Hall where she saw the Professor... reading? Shaking her head, she looked over at the three stations that were situated in this portion of the hall. Was it just her or did they look more intimidating than they ought to? She gulped.

Kita walked over to the first station which had a plastic cup on it and a bucket three feet above it. Funny. Confused, she read the parchment on the table.

Change the teacup into a ball
"What?!" she asked, "How do you-OH!" A sudden realisation hit the Puff as she remembered her first charms lesson of the year. "Ok, this should be easy," she said. After all, she liked Charms. And she had revised. She pointed her wand at the teacup and glared at it. "Mizurus boru!" she said and watched as the teacup turned into a perfect ball. A sudden urge to play with it came over her.

Then levitate it and drop it into the bucket
Ok. This wasn't too bad. Quite easy in fact. Kita smiled and pointed her wand at the teacup. "Globo Leviosa" she said, watching the ball fly into the air. She controlled the flying ball up and over the bucket before flicking her wand and letting it drop into the bucket.

With that done, she made her way towards the second station where two balls were jumping up and down. Her foot hit something on the floor and she looked down at the cardboard box. She picked up the parchment and read the instructions.

Freeze one of the balls
Ok. Freezing a ball. That shouldn't be too bad. She pointed her wand at one of the balls and bobbed her head up and down in time to the bouncing of the ball. Timing herself, she said, "Immobulus!" A smile spread across her face at the sight of the frozen ball.

and banish the second into the box
Right. Banishing! She remembered this very well indeed. She looked at the second bouncing ball, trying not to wonder whether it knew that its partner was now frozen. A glare formed in her eyes as she said, "Depulso!" Her eyes followed the flying ball which landed perfectly in the box.

With the second station done, she made her way towards the third, hoping it wouldn't be too hard. The other two had been fairly easy, which kind of worried her. She walked over towards the lantern that was glowing. But why was it glowing? The room was well-lit. She frowned and picked up the last parchment.

Expand and reduce the range of the lantern
Ok. That shouldn't be too bad. Kita tried not to think about her bad attempts during the lesson. But she knew the incantation, which should be good enough. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She then opened her eyes and glared at the lantern. She pointed her wand at the lantern and said clearly, "Luxra magnifica!, forming an x and a circle in the air as she did so. And then it happened! The light was expanding! YES! She could have jumped in joy but that might not be acceptable given the circumstances. And now she had to reduce it again because it was starting to hurt her eyes. Plus, it was in the instructions on the parchment. She pointed at the lantern again and said, "Finite!" She sighed happily.

Then make it appear 'invisible'
Oh dear! Invisible? Kita gulped. She was never able to do this properly, despite the fact that she enjoyed the effect this charm had. She said the spell a number of times in her head before placing her wand at the top of the lantern. "Disillusiona!" she said, tapping the top of the lantern twice. And... there it was! It appeared 'invisible'.

She breathed out and smiled at her work. She was well and truly happy with it. She did everything on the list and there was no way she could have done any of them incorrectly. Maybe the last station but she had a good feeling about this as well. Smiling at the professor, she turned around and walked out of the hall.
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