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Old 04-01-2011, 01:21 PM   #522 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by princess of*hp* View Post
Typical, clumsy Brae. He had probably forgotten to add in an extra eye of next or to stir the potion counterclockwise for every five clockwise turns. Amadeus tipped his glass to his friend. "I could say more on the subject," He began, "But I'm glad that you're well enough. Promise me that you won't go doing something like that when I'm not around to help." He chuckled, his nose and the corners of his eyes crinkling in an expression of humorous glee. Raising his glass and sitting up straight, the blonde cleared his throat and made his expression a bit more serious from the chortling loon he had been moments before. "I propose a toast," He spoke in a stately manner, as if he were presenting Braeden with the Witch Weekly Award for Best Wizarding Feat, "To your renewed health, and to our happiness." His voice nearly faltered at the utterance of the last words, but he kept it together. Tears would only ruin such a happy occasion and lovely reunion.

Memories flooded the Ravenclaw, from when they had first been acquainted thanks to Roderigo De Lacerda, from their first unofficial double date with two ladies at the start of the term in The Three Broomsticks, from their adventures on the island of Ferdinandea, and much more. His eyes sparkled as the sun lowered, the light bouncing off of the still waters of the lake and into the tower. Tears were slowly welling in his blue eyes, but Amadeus forced them to flee. It was getting harder and harder for him to control his emotions.
Braeden couldn't help but flash his best friend one of those dorky smiles of his when the older boy gave him one of those looks that showed just how well he knew him. As Deus spoke, though, asking that the Gryffindork promise him not to do things like that again after he wasn't around to help anymore, Braeden's smile faltered slightly. He knew he was probably just being dramatic for feeling this way, but he couldn't help feeling a little down every time he was reminded of the fact that Deus was leaving. For good. Never coming back to Hogwarts… and Braeden would have to spend the next two years of his schooling without his Ravenclaw best friend. What was he supposed to do in this ginormous castle all by himself?! What if the nasty creatures in the swamp on the fifth floor got him or something… Who would be his knight in shining armor and save the day!? Uwaaaaaaaaa….

But then Amadeus was proposing a toast.
Oh? Braeden's brown eyes, which had fallen to the ground, returned their gaze to his best mate and grinned as the older boy made the toast. "And to promises of visiting your old Gryffindor friend after graduation," Brae added to the toast. Of course he had to make sure Deus wasn't going to just leave and abandon him for life!
If the Ravenclaw even thought of it, it would be him who'd be getting forty-seven owls knocking at his window next time.

Braeden finished up his butterbeer half a second later and wiped the butterbeer mustache off his upper lip with his right sleeve. Only to realize what he'd done a moment later as he looked down at his butterbeer-covered sleeve. "Aw, man…" The dorky boy turned to his friend then, only to find him… teary-eyed? The Amadeus Kipling getting all teary-eyed while on a date with Braeden Stonem, of all people?! No way! At first Brae's brown eyes went wide in shock, but a second later he was elbowing his friend playfully. "Sheesh, mate… I know I'm not the most exciting date to have, but I never realized I was so bad I could make someone burst into tears from boredom… No wonder I can't keep a long-term relationship," he joked with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

— the sun & the moon
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