Thread: Charms Final
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Old 04-01-2011, 01:49 AM   #17 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maisey Wilde
Seventh Year
❅ Purple Lightsaber ❅| | Captain Sarcastic |

After Carolline finished the theoretical part of her charms final. She turned her turned her paper over and walked through the door into the other part of the room as instructed on the borad. She was ready for this charms was her subject. She had all confidence in the world but it was as if it stayed on the theoretical section of the room. She gulped, was that really that loud she thought to herself. Then noticing Professor Descoteaux who was reading a book, hadn't looked up . So obviously her gulp wasn't that loud. She smiled faintly "Hello, Professor Descoteaux."Okay now it's down to business again.

She noticed three different sections. She breathed deep at the sight of this part of the final. Many things started swimming in her head. She pushed them all out or tried to anyway. All of the studying in the world wouldn't help in less she could focus on the task at hand. Alright girl you can do this. She told herself. You can do this.

Caroline walked over to the first station. Where there was a tea cup and a bucket. The bucket was levitated a few feet above. She picked up the sheet of instructions. She read it. Change the teacup into a ball. Then levitate it and drop it into the bucket. She took a deep breath. Raising her wand up she froze. Was it counterclock wise or clockwise first? She stood there with her wand in hand pointed to the cup.You can do this. Just focus She nodded, if only to herself. which it was. Focus. She made the wand movement, Once around Clockwise and around again this time counterclock wise "Mizurus boru!"

Not taking her eyes off of the teacup. The teacup slowly but surely turned into ball. It was only there for a moment that Caroline didn't think that the teacup was going to change or it would just turn back half way through. She smiled, the sight of the teacup turned ball gave her some if not all of her confidence back..

Okay time to get the ball into the bucket. She looked at the ball and looked up at the bucket. She quickly made a swish and flick movement with her wand, "Globo leviosa!" The ball floated happliy up to the bucket. and plopped at the bottom of the bucket. Success.

Caroline went to the next stattion. Oh boy! This was going to be hard. She hadn't even read the instructions yet, but she could tell that it was going to be a challenge. She picked up the sheet of instructions. She read it. Freeze one of the balls, and banish the second into the box. Holding her wand out again. She pointed and flicked the tip of wand twice at one of the bouncing balls. "Immobulus!" The ball stopped in mid air. Frozen just above the table. Okay not as bad as she throught it would be, at least the first portion of this task. Next she pointed her wand at the ball that still bounced. “Depulso” The ball zoomed into the box, easily.

Caroline made her way to the third and final section and by the looks of it, it was going to be even harder than the last. She picked up the sheet of instructions. She read it. Expand and reduce the range of the light of the lantern. Then make it appear 'invisible.' She raised her wand, took a deep breath. You can do this. Focus She told herself She has gotten this far. Focus. She drew a circle in the air with her wand then drew an X pointing at the lantern "Luxra magnifica" It slowly expanded and it got brighter in the room. Caroline through that by the time the light stopped getting brighter she was going to go blind. It was almost as bad as when she ran into Destiny in the secret passage, with their wand lit up it eachothers face. Now time to now time to make this lantern dissapear. She tapped the toip of the lantern with the tip of her wand. "Disillusiona!" The lantern slowly faded away until it was gone.

Caroline sighed in relief. She was finished. She turned to Professor Descoteaux "I'm Done! Thank you, Professor" She waited for the go ahead to leave or not.
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