OOC: My post might've been confusing... Unless your characters are experts in identifying goat droppings and cow manure - and can see the difference between them and chocolate pudding (I sure wouldn't), they have no idea what's in the buckets. And Maya never said what they were going to plunge their hands into, nor that there was a bezoar somewhere.
This'll explain Maya's reaction.
Plus, the bucket contents do not smell. They don't.
Poke my eye if I missed someone's post... Quote:
Originally Posted by
dragon_star Hey! This one didn't smash...this one is pure hard! The bezoar!
She pulled her hands out...
Oh...yes! It's the bezoar!!
"I FOUND THE BEZOAR!" Savannah cried with happiness. YESSSSS! Five points for Slytherin!
Originally Posted by
Samira Malfoy Potter Okay. Samira had found her egg. Woop-did-i-doo. But that wasn't enough. She needed to find that boazar! Five points for Slytherin!
The most logical place to find a boazar would be the the goat droppings, since it is found in the stomach of a goat.
She walked over to the droppings and plunged her hand in, not even caring about being grossed out anymore. She wanted to get this over with.
Feeling around-this is so gross-she felt something hard and stone-like. Could it be-?
Could she dare hope-?
"Yes!" she squealed. "Professor! Professor i found the boazar!"
Ohhhh Yeah! Five points for Slytherin! Oh, five points for Slytherin! What now Lions and Birds and Puffers?!
Oh, that was quick. Test time.
"How do you know it's a bezoar? That looks like an ordinary mini rock." Maya arched an eyebrow and looked sceptic at the thing they were holding.
Originally Posted by
Michael White Seeing that the outher were starting to finish up.Mikey moves to his last bucket ,placing the bucket of quivering brown mass in front of him he starts to scoop it out and let it sift through his fingers in to the outher 2 buckets until it was only 1/2 full ,pulling his wand out he places the tip milimeters from the surface of brown mass "Reducio"watching the mass shrink untill there is only a hand full left he reaches in and plucks the Bezoar out and set it aside with the his egg and the button
"Mister White. You're going to have to do that one again. You don't see your classmates using magic, so why should you?" Pffft.
Flicking her wand again, another bucket filled with poop appeared infront of the young boy. Waiting. For Michael to dig through it.
"Go ahead." Maya nodded once at the bucket. Waiting. Hehe.
OOC: There's nothing in it, but do play it out
; ) Quote:
Originally Posted by
Luinevaug Luin then started up on the next, and last bucket, the chocolate pudding. She reached her hand into the bucket, searching for her egg still. It was not the worst bucket, but it did have a pretty weird texture. She was about ready to give up on that bucket when she felt something round. She moved her fingers around it carefully and then lifted it up out of the bucket. As she wiped off some of the chocolate, she saw her name: Luin, written large in black ink. She smiled and then put it down next to the bezoar. She held it out to the professor, "Professor Saylen, I found the bezoar and my egg!"
Againnn. She liked tests.
"What makes you think that is a bezoar?" Hmmmmmmm?
"It seems like a 'normal' stone to me." Like those other girls'. Hehe.
Originally Posted by
Lockhartian The boy raised his hand, the frown no longer there, he was keeping his expression NEUTRAL, for Aslan's sake. "Excuse me, Professor, but what does this have to do with Care of Magical Creatures?" Like...were they even going to be focusing on any creature AT ALL, during this class.
He didn't want to do this. No. Never mind the points. But if he had to, well, there was no other choice but put some gloves on, right?
dare he question her reasons for having this class!
Maya turned to him, lips pursed and an expression that the opposite of the young boys.
"Why don't you tell me, Mister Lockhart." Yeah, pfffffffft.
Not an answer, because obviously she didn't want to answer it. Hehe.
Originally Posted by
sweetpinkpixie She sniffed, but didn't smell a thing. "Professor, these are odorless...but are they also tasteless?" Being a cook and all, her pallet was exceptionally accurate. Even so, Kurumi didn't fancy eating poo. If she found the bucket of pudding, she could always conjure a spoon and eat it while she continued her search though.
Why...WHY did she want to know??
Maya squinted, taking her moment to go through all the options to why she asked that. It had occurred to her, but she never thought...
Originally Posted by
sweetpinkpixie o____________@!
Would it be alright if she just ate her way through the bucket until she found her egg?
Oh... MY GOSH.
Why wasn't Maya freaking out. She should tackle the girl to the ground and make her vomit to get the poo out of her mouth. Instead...
Nah. "Miss Hollingberry. Go to the hospital wing after class." Because seriously, the Mexicana had no clue to what the girl just tasted.
Originally Posted by
sweetpinkpixie Phew. She was glad to be done. Could all the poop go away now?
"Professor Saylen, what do we do with our egg and bezoar when we are done?"
"That looks like an every-day small rock." She pointed at the bezoar.
"Why do you call it a bezoar?" Yeah, why. Huuuuuuh?
Originally Posted by
Samira Malfoy Potter Samira walked up to a bucket filled with chocolate pudding. She was starting to feel sick because of all the digging she was forced to do with poo.
Do with poo. Heh. That rhymed.
Samira shoved her hand into the pudding. She was getting really tired of this. What was the point any-
Wait. Was that...
Samira didn't dare believe it. But...it was! She felt something hard and smooth in the pudding. Rounded...Smooth....YES!
Samira recognized her neat writing on the pudding covered egg. Now she felt like crying out of joy!
"Professor!" she said excitedly, holding up the egg. "Professor I found it! Look, Professor! I found my egg!"
Samira was about ready to start dancing and singing out of happiness!
Now all she needed to do was find that boazar...
Can that girl say 'Professor' one more time? Hehe.
"Yees?" She looked at what had been collected.
"Well done, you found your egg in one piece." Aw, bo-hoo. Hehe!
Originally Posted by
PattyH. Arriving back at his station, Patroclus had the bezoar held tight in his hands, and went to sit it down on the bench, however he had forgotten that he had covered it with goat poop!
"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" he thought, going to scratching his head, but stopping himself just in time; remember Patroclus poop covered gloves.
Using said gloves, he pushed a section of poop onto the ground; hey it could be used a fertilizer; he made a space for the Bezoar, then turned his attention to the final bucket, the one that just had to have the egg inside it!
The poop in the yellow bucket felt a lot cool to Patroclus as he plunged his hands into it. The other previous buckets contained poop that felt as though it has just been passed, hot and stomach turningly warm!
This one was cool, and it made Patroclus think that maybe it wasn't poop at all, but it might as well have been, for now his poop coated gloves were well and truly inside it!
Moving the contents around, the Lion Prefect knew the egg had to me here, there was no where else for it too be! So he wouldn't stop till it was in his hands!
Then something brushed against the back of his hand, something hard, something that was different from the mixture, but was some smooth unlike the bezoar; it was the egg!
Snapping at the egg like a seeker to a snitch, he ripped it triumphantly from the bucket, and began to dance;
"I found the egg!
Woooo Yeah! Go team!"
Another one.
"Well done, Mister Hudson." HEHE. Yeah, he was a good egg-in-poop searcher.
Originally Posted by
Destiny Hmm.
Making sure she had a grip not too tight around it, she pulled it up and..it was brown. How was she supposed to know if it was her kitty egg or not!? HOW!? Using her free hand, she used her thumb to wipe some of the brown stuff away only to see..kitty ears! Followed by the rest of the kitty face and at the very bottom, her name!
Destiny was just a bit excited.
"Well done, you aswell, Miss Flores." For successfully digging through poop.
Snort. Quote:
Originally Posted by
Zebragirl "I don't think my egg is in here!" she cried, both hands in the bucket searching for it. She was about to give up when she felt something knock the back of her hand. Quick as a flash she grabbed hold of it and pulled it out.
Sure enough, it was her egg. Her name on it and everything!
"YES! Um, never mind..." she mummbled incase anyone had heard her last words.
Brushing manure of her egg, she layed it down next to the bezoar actually smiling!
She'd done it! She'd actually done it! Soooo... could all the icky animal waste go away now?
Maya was just about to tell the girl to keep searching, but it seemed another try was all that was needed to get the item.
"Nice egg. Well done." Hehehe.
Originally Posted by
dragon_star Something round and smooth! She felt it! Again! This times, she grasped it hard and pulled her hands out. Yes! She got it! She got the egg and her bezoar. She has completed all her tasks! What a relief! What a-
Savannah fell loudly on the the cold floor, the egg still in her tight grasp. She had fainted fom the terrible smell. She just couldn't take it anymore. Her eyes closed and her mind shut, she fainted but has completed her task and tried her best. If someone could just take her to the hospital wing...like NOW!
Hearing the thump, Maya frowned and noticed the girl on the ground. What the heck had happened to
her? Sigh.
Walking to stand over her, the Mexicana noticed the items in the girl's hands. So she found...
stuff. Hehe.
"Miss Black. What are you doing?" What is this, kindergarten? This was no time to take a nap. Ah, nevermind.
"Just leave her there, she'll be fine..." Maybe she'll wake up before the end of class.
Maya returned to her log-seat, crossing her arms,
"If you have not found your egg yet, there is still time." And the Mexicana was not bored of seeing kids dig through manure.
OOC: Class will end tomorrowww @ Midnight EST. Anyone who still haven't posted their 5 times can still do so.