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Jacob took off down the corridor, his ear still on the wall. Water! Though it made his bladder tighter, it was refreshing to know that they were close.
But suddenly the water became distant and as he walked more, it became almost completely inaudible. And he stopped dead. A few steps away stood a portrait he'd never paid attention to. The only portrait or stature in sight that could be concealings something.
This had to be it. The boys bathroom was a floor above , the girls a few floors below. So here they were. The journey was almost complete, but not quite yet over, "Pat, we've got a small problem. " he stared at the laughing men in the portrait. "How're we gonna get in?"
It didn't look like the laughing people would open to anyone. They had a duty, and they probably wouldn't open for a captain and a prefect who didn't know the password.
Maybe they really should have asked a teacher, or at least another prefect.
This was really happening!
They had finally found it; the Prefect's Bathroom!
It had felt like months leading up to this moment, but in truth it had only been a few hours, however a few hours with a full bladder was torture, and Patroclus was impressed that Jacob had held on this long, consider he had been busting from the start.
But then it seemed their hopes were dashed, there was an issue, how to get it.
"I am sure if there was a password we would have been told," Patroclus stated plainly, trying not to allow any disappointed show in his voice,
"they would have told us on the train......oh yeab, but I wasn't on the train," he mused outloud, "
but surely Sophie would have told me, if there was one!"
Throughing caution to the wind, Patroclus walked up to the Portrait and began,
"Good evening fine Sirs, I hope we find you well. May I introduce myself, I am Prefect Patroclus Hudson of Noble Gryffindor, and this is Captain Jacob Blunt of Wise Ravenclaw. We wonder if you would be so kind as to allow as passage hence forth into the Prefect's Bathroom?"
Patroclus had been taught the King's English but his Grandmother, who was infact rather close to the King, before she passed, so he was rather pleased with himself once he had finished, and it seemed so were the Portrait Dwellers, one cired,
"Oh Good Show, my boy," another
"Yes good day for it!" and then the portrait swung forward and revealed........The Prefect's Bathroom!