HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Kyle looked up at the board and copied the instructions down. This would be easy right? Quote:
Change the teacup into a ball. Then levitate it and drop it into the bucket
She took out her wand pointing it at the tea cup she did a quick clockwise circle followed by another counterclockwise circle. "Mizurus boru" she firmly spoke the spell and watched as the tea cups handle pulled unto the cup, then the cup itself began to twist and turn until in front of her there was no longer a teacup but merely a lovely little ball.
With a swish and flick of her wand she said the second part of the two part first step "Globo leviosa" the ball lifted up holding her wand on it she moved her wand until the ball was directly above the box. Moving her wand now it fell straight into the box. Good job Kyle, she wanted to pat herself on the back. Quote:
Freeze one of the balls, and banish the second into the box.
Now, she turned her attention to the two bouncing balls. "Immobulus" she spoke only after flicking her wand twice the ball freezing in mid air. Now to the other ball, she smirked at it, yes she smirked at a ball. "Depulso" she spoke firmly with her wand pointed firmly at the ball. It zipped across the room falling into the box with a light plop sound.
Now the final step she thought smiling. Quote:
Expand and reduce the range of the light of the lantern. Then make it appear 'invisible.'
She traced a circle with her wand and then the cross mark "Luxra Magnifica" she spoke - the light from the lantern infront of her arched around brightly. It had grown and expanded perfectly - just like her second time in class. "Finite" she called out the lamp stayed by the size returned to normal.
Tapping the lantern twice with her wand she said the final spell "Disillusiona" she called out the lantern disappearing from its previous spot of right infront of her. "Thanks for a wonderful year Professor!" Kyle smiled, she was ecstatic that she'd finished a final already but waited to leave until she was told she could.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |