Thread: Charms Final
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Old 03-30-2011, 05:21 AM   #11 (permalink)
Canoir Greengrass
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hanna H. Holtby
Fourth Year
MiaSanMia! | Bavarians ♠ Mrs. Gale Hawthorne

Freya walked into the Charms classroom with a shaking hands. She was really nervous. She looked around the classroom for a moment before she spotted her Charm Professor "Hello, Professor." she greeted him with a smile.

She read the instruction carefully before she began the practical portion. "Okay. Lets do this." she took a very deep breath.

Originally Posted by The First Instruction
Change the teacup into a ball. Then levitate it and drop it into the bucket.
She remembered how to do this. She took out her wand and pointed it to the teacup. 'Please make it work.' she prayed in her heart. Clockwise circle and then a counter clockwise circle "Mizurus boru!" and to her surprised, the tea cup changed into a ball. Move on to the next step. Levitate it and drop it into the bucket. Okay! She pointed her wand towards the ball. Swish and flick "Globo leviosa!" The blonde haired Slytherin watched when the ball started to levitate into the air and landed in the bucket. One down, two to go!

Freya slowly made her way to the second task. She was really surprised what she saw in the second stations its not what she thought it'd be like. She saw two balls are jumping up and down. She read the instruction carefully.

Originally Posted by The Second Instruction
Freeze one of the balls, and banish the second into the box.
She took out her wand back again from it holster. She pointed her wand at one of the balls. She made twice flick movement with her wand "Immobulus!" and the ball stopped before it hit the station. She turned her gazed to the second ball which was till bouncing up and down. With her wand pointed at the second bouncing ball "Depulso!" and the ball made its way inside the box. Two down, one more to go!

After she finished in the second station, Freya move on to the third and last station. She was pretty sure that the last one would be more difficult than the last two. She read the instruction for the third task.

Originally Posted by The Third Instruction
Expand and reduce the range of the light of the lantern. Then make it appear 'invisible.'

"Okie dokie."
she put back the instruction and moved her gaze towards the lantern. Her wand already aimed at the lantern, she traced a circle in the air and then brought her wand down twice to make an X before saying the incantation "Luxra Magnifica!" she watched how the light of the lantern grew brighter. "Finite!" the light grew smaller and the room returned to its normal lightning.

She just needed to do the last step and then she was done. "Here we go!" The second year Slytherin girl tapped her wand twice on the lantern "Disillusiona!" now the lantern was invisible and that mean she was officially done with the finals.

Freya put back her wand to it holster. "I'm finished, Professor." she said to Professor Descoteaux. Was it mean she could leave now?
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