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"Oh...." Kurumi said turning beat red and hunching her shoulders a bit. You could hardly blame her really. The two words did sound very similar, especially to someone who grew up knowing nothing about the sport but loads about making waffles.
Her frowned was turned upside down by what Selina said next. "Really? I'd like that," she nodded. Not only could she spend more time with her friend and, perhaps, learn something about Quidditch, but it would be a few more days that she could keep her wand. "I am utter rubbish on a broom though...you sure you won't get sick of me?"
"I'm positive. Actually... can I be honest with you? My house is kind of quiet what with both of my parents working. All summer long my Dad is in training and it's like sleep away camp so I barely see him. Mom's not much better. Because of her importance in the Ministry I never see her. She's what you would call a work-a-holic. Not that I mind, she loves what she does. But in the summers when I don't have school I get really lonely. So come over whenever you get bored. Really you can just floo right into my living room."
Selina had never really expressed that before to anyone. Sure people had gotten tidbits about her family life, but it seemed whenever she mentioned Jake Skylar no one wanted to listen anymore. Her Dad was famous, Selina took the back seat.
Trying to lighten to mood Selina said, "And trust me, by the end of this summer your flying will be so good you could play Quidditch. I don't give up when it comes to flying... ever."