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This was a bad idea, most likely. Ellie was sick, a little weary, and definitely not walking straight. But she came anyway. She had too, her witto Alex was feeling lonely and so was she and she wanted to share what small amount of energy she had with someone.
So she came to the party. Well, stumbled to the party is more like it. She made it to the pitch and wandered around, tripping over random little things that may or may not have been there. Where was that boy? Or anyone she knew? She was feeling a little dizzy, but she kept wandering around trying her hardest not to look drunk, because she wasn't!
Amadeous considered his silly dancing, not paying much attention to who was around him or what part of the tent he was in. That was until he bumped into somebody from behind while moonwalking
like a BOSS. Stopping his nonsensical dance moves, he turned around to apologize when he noticed who it was. "Ellie!" He spoke in surprise. Why was it so surprising? That she was here? She was a Ravenclaw, so why was it so odd that she would want to attend the party?
"You look..." To be honest, she didn't look too swell. She looked a bit pale, as if she needed a trip to the hospital wing. "You look lovely." Deus managed to finish the sentence without the awkward feeling that he felt about nearly running her over. "Sorry about that," He finally apologized. "I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have."