Text Cut: Renée
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Renée couldn't exactly admit to being much of a Quidditch fan, seeing as the fact she'd been horrible at flying had kept her from the sport when she'd been in school, but she still paid attention. Especially now that she was back at Hogwarts, with all her memories of back when she'd been a Ravenclaw. So, once she'd heard they had won the championship again, she'd headed down to the celebration she knew had to be occurring. In the back of her mind, she acknowledged that there would be at least one person there who probably would like to see her the least of anyone, but it was her former house, not to mention her current students. She needed to congratulate them.
Stepping into the tent, she bobbed her head as the music hit her, and glanced around to see who was in attendance. It looked to be a good turnout, with at least one person from each house. That was always nice to see, given all the old stereotypes. Noticing a familiar redhead over by the dance floor, she veered in the opposite direction toward the food with an enigmatic smile on her face. She'd have to deal with Ellie's antagonism eventually, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy the party for the time being. And congratulate whomever she ran into, while she enjoyed the music from afar.
Oh, but this time his eyes lay on someone else. And after muttering a quick 'Excuse me' to the Slytherin girls and Mia, Treyen started to walk in her direction with a smile on his face.
So, he
could walk towards Bishop...but not towards Ellie? Weird.
Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
Neptune's eyes kept landing on a Puffy Quidditch player.Trey. Not the one she was.... looking.... for....
He was talking to the Ex. Sigh. Another reason to absolutely not follow Lexi to food.
She stomped her foot again out of pure agitation and restlessness. If Jacob Dale didn't show up soon she was leaving. Quidditch was stupid anyway and she could get her own cake in the Great Hall.
On his way over he noticed the gaze of a Neptune Bott. One of the Botts. And...wasn't she one with Jake? Because on various lesson it had seemed that they were now ONE person, clearly not during Quidditch practices and Treyen was very grateful for that.
So, he didn't get to where Bishop was, BUT...he did get to where Neptune was, and he bowed a bit with a smile and a simple,
"Miss Neptune," oh-so-gentleman-like. Neptune, apparently, brought that stuff on him.
"You know, Jake kind of apologized to you before I helped him get to the Hospital Wing." He decided those were news to share, especially with Neptune.